So you got through the Grand Boasting Session somehow. The one-towel rules, the endless Quiet and Keep Moving signs, the snorefest, and the endless prayer are finally behind us. Now what?
Usually, if there are children involved, life after becomes unbearable after a Grand Boasting Session. And this one is no different--the whole first day is about youth. Usually, they will run through the Young People Ask--Answers That Do Not Work book and pull advice from that. I am expecting more in the way of crackdowns on sexual matters, like dating, being with the opposits sex, and issues leading to masturbation.
Additionally, there is the renewed field circus activity. Before, the parents would be too tired and not make the children go out, especially if it's too hot or they are too busy. Or, they might use it as an incentive to behave at a boasting session or elsewhere. Now, however, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has put in parts that tell people that they should go out more, regardless. Some are going to be hounded to pioneer, since August has Five Full Weekends. And stay out longer while they are at it. And put a stop to the fake door rings and dogging the calls.
Of course, there are the music roundups. Just about everyone that was in while they were teenagers remembers the parents going through the music collection after a Grand Boasting Session and throwing out anything that is even remotely suspicious. Just about always, there is at least one album or CD that gets thrown out because of something totally ridiculous.
Other aftereffects include crackdowns on worldly association, getting rid of vacation plans for fun, and the college plans. Effectively, that puts a damper on any plans that children might have for the remainder of summer and beyond. No leaving home on schedule. No fun. No nothing. And even other things might be thrown out--Internet, cable, the TV, and the like could be headed for the landfill because of the parents' getting hounded at the Grand Boasting Session.
So upbuilding.