Several have been mentioning the new drama, and although it has been posted before, here is the entire drama in 5 parts. This one is a doozy, folks, for those of you who will be attending, you will want to watch it here first to be prepared with your cognitive dissonant questions!
On YouTube, the 2008 District Convention Drama, "Do Not Leave the Love You Had at First". As has already been mentioned on several threads, this is a completely fictional account, but for some reason, they are all dressed as if this is a bible story. You won't find this in any scripture.
What does it teach? Do NOT have a career and do NOT give to the poor... oh yeah, and burn your books.
They have really out-done themselves with this one.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
2008 District Convention Drama on YouTube
by BabaYaga 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow, it's amazing how much of a twit they make the "wordly" girl to be. It just makes it so easy to see right from wrong when you pretend people are always like that.
And why did they put this drama in old times, when it's not based on a scripture, it's just some made up story. The whole thing amazes me, it's like Jesus was never a carpenter, he didn't waste time learning a skill, no, lets ignore that.
Sorry, I can't bring myself to watch it all.
Is this the first time they have a drama not based on the Bible? For the 'biblical times' part, I mean? This is the first time I've seen them do that. So not while I was in at least.
Wow - it's so see-thru. Why bother making up the part from biblical times? The only reason is to put more weight to the arguments with their target audience, but when the drama isn't from the bible, and just something taken out of thin air that might have happened back then as some elders see it, what's the point? Where's the added weight? Only in the minds of easily impressionable Witnesses. I mean, think people in the audience, think!
And the way they lay out the arguments too. "Ooh, someone back then were probably critical of their leaders and/or the preaching work and lack of humanitarian work etc. too, but they were wrong!"
Well, good thing about it is it must be a growing problem, otherwise they wouldn't address it.
Blasty: Yes, they do make the "worldly girl" out to be quite the twit, don't they? Ah, well, it's so much easier when the bad guys are all wearing black hats. Let's make it as easy as possible to pass judgement.
Awakened: "See-thru" is an excellent way to put it! Yes... embarrassingly transparent.
I'm with you, I don't remember these "dress-up" dramas not being scriptural. If they were going to do a general warning type deal, it was always plain-clothes. But then, too, remember how DISAPPOINTED we were when we found out the drama wasn't going to be in costume? What a rip! Wait all day excitedly for the one cool thing about the day and all the players were dressed in polyester. Agh... the disappointment. I guess they figured everyone would be paying more attention to this one if the "actors" were all wearing fake beards. -
Wanton value destruction. Why is it wrong to create value by having a good education, preferably one that is fully integrated, and then using it on something worthwhile instead of pushing wastes of paper on householders?
Room 215
Keep it up, WT; you're doing quite an effective job of alienating anyone below the age of 20; sowing the seeds of your own demise. I know, I know, you're counting on the Big A to arrrive in time to save your bacon, but I wouldn't hold my breath in anticipation thereof.
Bumped for those who have a convention to attend this weekend!