Today me and my friend went to lunch, while we were waiting to pay a guy made some small talk with us. Well as I went to pay he swatted my card away and paid for both me and my friend. He said something along the lines of, "you boys look like you work hard it's on me". He then asked what we did, we said we edited videos to put up on servers with out stating specifics. He then mentioned he could use some video editing and handed us his card. He was the pastor of a local church. Anyways I have never seen a JW do this for a total stranger. Even if he was trying to advertise for his church is was still a wonderful gesture that you just never see.
Who ever said other Christians weren't loving??
by Burger Time 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Lesson learned.
Don't mention the porn and you get a free lunch.
It sounds to me like it was a clever way to proselytize.
That is amazing......makes you feel good doesn't it....
random acts of kindness without even mentioning anything having to do with witnesses was common here -- but also there was the knowledge that perhaps one day they would see us at their door one day..
Burger Time
Yea Burn, I was stammering a bit when he asked what exactly the company I work for did. Good thing my friend stepped in FTW.
Lady Zombie
Now if the man would have been a JW, he would have offered you literature, because as every good JW knows, the "life saving message" contained in the publications is worth far, far more than any act of kindness!
That was a nice gesture on his part.
I do that quite frequently
Always have
It's fun when it's unexpected
When grocery buying
I like to get in line
behind an elderly one
and pick up their bill for them
The first couple of times
I did it freaked everyone out.
Now the cashiers know me
and become part of the plot
I don't do much else in the way
of charity. I find this way
much more satisfying.
Many of these folks really need
the help
I did this when I didn't consider
myself a "Christian".
Just seemed to be a nice thing to do. -
My son had people from a church he had visited once some time ago show up and help him move, he was stunned, the witness did nothing to help him, not one of them showed up despite the fact that his parents had been witness for over 20 years.
Interesting - Clyde likes to stop for coffee shops occasionally, and on at least 4 occasions he saw JW's having lunch. He told the waitress to give him the bill, and he paid it. He only got a thank you one time. Even ex-JW's can be loving.