Hello to everyone. I am still new to this board, but I have been reading so many posts and I am learning and lot and feeling so refreshed. I am amazed at some of the information I have been finding out about the history of the WTS and the governing body!!
Yesterday I listened to the MP3 of Rick and Laverne Townsend's JC meeting. Talk about helpful!! Those elders' comments and "rebuttals" were so ridiculous and fell short of anything that even remotely resembled a coherent response. Anyway, so like I said in my other posts, raised as a JW, wife of MS for the past 6.5 years (he recently stepped down - read my first post to see why) and I have been having doubts for quite some time. My husband is still feeling loyalty to the organization, so I know I need to tread softly.
I am just amazed at the fact that the beliefs we have based our entire LIVES around have been wrong. It's amazing. Anyway, this is just a rambling post, so I'll wrap it up. If anyone wants to send me a private message, please do. I would love to get to know more people, but for obvious reasons, I feel it's better (at least for the time being) to keep some of the deeper things more private for a while. You never know who is on these forums looking for "apostates." HAHAHAHA!!!!