On Saturday July 19 at 7p.m.EST, Our guest will be Lorri Mcgregor of MM outreach ministries. Lorri is a former Jehovah's Witness who has helped so many people get out of the dangerous and destructive cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Lorri and her husband Keith spearheaded cult ministries and sparked so many people to start their own ministries exposing the falsehoods of the cults. She has appeared numerous times on t.v. and radio programs speaking of the dangers of being involved in cults.To join us on the call dial this number (712)432-8710 use pin number 9925. There is no charge for the call only your normal calling rate. Lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST so come in and chat before our program begins. To listen to past calls hit this link.http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall.html
Lorri McGregor on the conference call July 19
by kool aid man06 2 Replies latest jw experiences
kool aid man06
Tonight, July 19,we will be talking about Jehovah's Witnesses and how dangerous of a cult they are. The Witnesses flatly deny the fact that they are a cult. The top ten reasons that identify them as such will be given tonight. Along with Lorri will be cult exposer and former radio host Robert Porter.
THought she did a great job ...Couldnt stay too long but enjoyed what I heard Good going Rick ( InezHUG)