Dear Abby,
I woke up this morning and found that I was in my little brothers house. Then I noticed that some of my stuff was here, and the place was looking much more perky and friendly than the last time I was here.
Then I looked in the mirror. I look the same, but my smile had more meaning. I was happy inside, it showed in my eyes. Then I realized that I was single. No more husband. Sleeping in a twin. A cat was sleeping on my bed.
I found an ipod filled with some of my favorite music. Turned it on and the happiness begin to bloom.
I can't remember how I got here, but I don't want to mess this up thinking about it. Do you think it is okay to not TRY to remember?
signed, Confused and Happy
All Abby answers welcome.
More "signed" letters welcome.
Dear Abby
by wings 9 Replies latest jw friends
Dear Confused and Happy: It matters not "how" you got there. The important thing is that you are "there".
changeling (Abby) :)
This brightened my own day. Thanks for the reflection~!!
A few years ago I learned that I trip myself up when I spend too much time looking backwards (how and why did I get here?) or by looking too far ahead (what if this happens??). My most balanced mind is when I let myself just enjoy the present and not over-analyze it.
Maybe turn up the volume and dance to the music on the i-pod...
Awakened at Gilead
I was happy inside, it showed in my eyes.
Many people, especially JWs, can't say the same.... enjoy your new life!
Man, I would try not to over think it. Enjoy this place right now, you deserve it.
I remember at times I would have overwhelming feelings of happiness in the face of really a life turned upsidedown and the loss of everything in my life that I knew. I couldn't believe I was having that wonderful feeling. That's why I'm a strong advocate of facing the issues and get to leading an authentic life as quickly as possible. There is no internal feeling like it and you feel like you can face anything, and you really can.
So congrats to arriving at this place. I wish you continued success in your journey.
Dear Confused and Happy...
I can't remember how I got here, but I don't want to mess this up thinking about it.
In the wise words of Buddha..."Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future - concentrate your mind on the present moment."
And simply enjoy what your new life has to offer
Just be happy with where you are today. You are what you are, and you ain't what you ain't
Living with one foot in the past, and one in the future, you end up pissing all over today.
I am glad that you have light at the end of the tunnel!
Now, to other things:
Dear Abby:
What is the meaning of life? Is there really a God to pray to, or am I just stroking when I do so? And will I ever find that illusive "happiness?"
Dear Abby Wings- I am finding more freedom after being in a mind control cult for 44 years ! I can actually use my mind now that I was born with ? Is this safe ? I'm finding that it's been a real kick in the a$$ celebration for 5 years actually ! Dear Abby Wings , I'm sure you will find the same ! Stop and smell the roses along the way. Living in the here and now is the only way to go ! No need for stage fright of the future ; but no need for resentment of the past ! It's all a great learning experience along the way