Somebody build a replica of the ark...thought it was interesting sorta...
by Metamorphosis 8 Replies latest jw friends
Somebody build a replica of the ark...thought it was interesting sorta...
If he wanted to really impress us, he'd take it out to the Atlantic Ocean, fully loaded, and see if it floats for 1+ years.
So, do they have displays for the several million of beetles that must have been on the ark? Or did thhey just stick to the giraffes, elephants, & lions?
Or was there just one beetle "kind" there, and the 5 to 8 million estimated species of beetles extant today evolved adapted over the past 4000 years?
By the way, that's about 2000 new species evolving adapting per year. Not even the most ardent "evolutionist" thinks changes happen that fast.
LOL - sir82 - i certainly cannot answer your questions and claim no theory as to the validity of the biblical account.
Just thought it was an interesting story that someone believed enough to go to the trouble of doing that...
Does anybody remember that stubborn insistence that they used to have on how the ark absolutely had to be perfectly rectangular just like a cigar box?
The "worldly christendom" ark with boat-like prow and stern was obviously a manifestation of Christendom and the Clergy.
Only a simple box could have floated so well, or so it went. Ark did not need to go anywhere, just float. I think they even got some fundy sailor guy to agree with them on it, and used to quote him all the time.
Just had to be different than the churches, ya know.
I always used to say, well - it somehow had to get to Australia and back, in order to unload the emus, the platypus, the koala bear, and the kangaroos. Not to mention the tasmanian devil and that tiger hound cat that went extinct a few decades back.
I don't really see the point if they're not going to build it to 1:1 scale and test it. Although by all means, it's good craftmansship etc.
The WBTS seem to think it was a box shape though; not sure who'd be more correct based on the text.
As for large wood boats, the largest recorded (according to Wikipedia) is the Wyoming, at approx. the same length (450 ft.) as the ark supposedly was. And the Wyoming "had a tendency to flex in heavy seas, causing the long planks to twist and buckle. [25] This allowed sea water into the hold, which had to be pumped out. [26] ".'s_largest_wooden_ships
That said, God could have secured the ark with his magic powers. But heck, then why build an ark at all? A force field around every creature that was supposed to live would do it. But heck, why then use water and drown everything in the first place? Direct eradication would be faster, more efficient, more accurate, and less gruesome to those killed.
If it were true history.
Isnt building a replica of Noahs ark kind of like me building a replica of the Death Star? Cause you can call it a replica all you want, but since neither of them ever actually existed...
Dude, are you saying that my Millenium Falcon that I carefully assembled and weathered is not authentic?
Wait! I can convince you otherwise - I was modeling the actual miniature used in the movie - not the full sized ship, which is in a galaxy far far away...
Ah...I see. Kind of like my model of the Starship Enterprise...
And my lifesize model of William Shatner...I guess in that case though, both are actually made of plastic...
That Replica isn’t correct, it has a curved front, the ARK didn’t have a curved front, it didn’t need a curved Front. That’s the basis difference between a SHIP and an ARK, a ship is designed to slide threw the water and be manoeuvrable threw the water, the ARK didn’t need to slide or to be manoeuvrable, it just needed to float and be stable, it wasn’t a ship it was just a large Box.