I haven't really been reading much of the board lately so I haven't been "keeping up". I have a family member who stopped going to the meetings for awhile and it was so nice to finally see them part of the cult, then tonight they said I have to start going to the meetings again. i was wondering, is there anything that is being said or taught lately that they think they are missing?
Anything new in WT land?
by bite me 1 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just the same old death threat. Being guided by the spirit--I bet they were at the Grand Boasting Session as well, and now they want you to go to the regular boasting sessions.
The whole thing is a bloody scam. You go to the boasting sessions and hear that field circus should occupy your whole life, and that education and masturbation are such horrible offenses that you will die for either. Then you have to go out in field circus and waste all your time placing wastes of paper to everyone. For sure, this is not the organization you want to be part of.