My husband and I was talking today about some things that was said receintly. About a month before my husband and I dissocated ourselves, he called and talked with his mom. By this point she knew that I was doing research on the faulty teachings of the JW's. I was making sure I was doing the right thing. Before I just took people's word for it, and never checked it out for myself. (That was why I mistakenly gotten baptised. I took my mom's word, instead of checking it out.) Any way, you should have heard what she told her son (my husband).
"Please stop your research, the only thing you are going to accomplish is pulling our (her)family apart."
Now mind you, when I was checking out every thing, I was double checking everything with the Watchtower's information. Nothing was added, or taken away to what I found, and learned.
When I later thought about what she told my husband, then I could only come to ONE conclusion. And that was she knows that there are false hoods (I like to use the word-LIE!!) to that orgization, but she CHOOESES to inorge them.
Reciently my husband sent her a letter telling her that if she chooses to shun him and I, then she will be shunning her grand children. But we left the door open, that if she wants to visit at our home, then she is welcomed to. But she can not take the children off with out us around. I am hoping and praying that she will actually see with her own eyes what my husband and I have already seen. One thing you must also know about my mother in law, is that she never checked things out for herself either. She just followed blindly, her husband into that religion. And that she never really checked things out for herself.