Back about 12 years give or take a couple of years. In the congeration that I was in there was this family. Dad was a minsteral servant, and mom was an auxleary pioneer. They had a child. This child was very very hiper. Infact he was so much they ended up putting him on medication. At the time he had one true love, and that was drawing pictures. But I think most 4 or 5 years love to draw. So I learned to bring pleanty of note book paper and pencles, because I never knew when I would get the "privledge" of working in the same car group as this child. Any how, one day when the circuit overseer was visiting my congeration. He ended up working with this family and their child. This day they was doing the door to door work. And he choose to go to this door with this child and no other adult. A house holder came to the door, and the CO was trying to give his presentation. Well it ended up that the child went nuts, knocked over a vase and broke it. They (expecially the parents) tried to warn this elders. A little while later, we had an assembley. You would not believe this, but that CO ended up humilating the parents of that child. He told of the congeration that they went to, and what their unruly child did. The poor parents was so humilated. I felt for them, because I knew what they went through. And yes, they did punish their child when needed.
Past assemblies
by Tammie 6 Replies latest jw friends
And, research unseen, per capita the Witnesses have to be among the highest Ritalin users. How sad. Absolutely, in our case GOING to the meetings was bad association for our child and he's MUCH better off elsewhere in athletic and stimulating "worldly (ugh)" activities.
When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.
formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
circa 1996-1999 -
To many CO's, life is a battle fought between the smug and the smugged.
That CO sounds like one of the many (childless) self proclaimed experts on family life
JW's piss me off.
As a mother of two hyper-active children (one is older and has outgrown it, the other who still struggles with it) this story makes me extremely sad.
First off, the kid can't help it. He's not running around to annoy people. Especially, if he's gotten to the point of taking medication. I'm not avocating not disiplining hyper-active kids. However, I also think that they should not be purposely put in situations where there is likely going to be trouble, like going door to door.
Also, it is difficult for adults and normal kids, let alone hyper-active children, to have to sit through those long boring meetings. It's pure torture for these kind of kids that have very poor impulse control. How many beatings have taken place because some poor kid was pushed to the breaking point. It sickens me.
I agree. I don't know how many times my mom was breastfeeding us kids, when she witnesses some fat mother run in like a hound of hell, whip out a comb, and proceed to give her kid thirty strokes.
Fat and smelly, they were. Abusers. It's really hard not to hate them.ashi