Sorry for the interruption. I Googled and found the list on Topix JW's
It is the following:
"The following questions were prepared by the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society in reply to a request for debate from the Moody Bible
Institute. The Society proposed that if they could satisfactorily give
them Bible answers to these questions, then they would be willing to debate. An answer was never received.
1. Was Eden on earth or in heaven?
2. Was Adam created mortal or immortal?
3. If Adam had not sinned, would he have died?
4. On account of sin Adam died, so does that prove he was mortal?
5. Is there a difference between eternal life and immortality?
6. If Adam had lived forever, would you call that immortality?
7. Can a person live eternally, and yet, not be immortal?
8. If Adam could not go to heaven without dying, and could not die without sinning, does that not prove sin was a blessing to the human family?
9. Did Adam lose an earthly or heavenly home?
10 If Jesus came to restore what Adam lost (Luke 19:10), what will be restored?
11. Was Adam a single individual, or two individuals in one?
12. If composed of two parts, soul and body; which one was Adam?
13. What was the responsible part that could think, feel, and act?
14. Which part was it that sinned, soul or body?
15. If it was the soul, then why does the body have to suffer?
16. If it was the body, then why does the soul need to be saved?
17. In Genesis 3:11 (“Who told thee thou wast naked?”), which part of Adam did God talk to, soul or body?
18. What is the “thou” referred to in Genesis 3:17 (“Thou hast eaten”)?
If you say it refers to the soul, then to what does the word “thou”
refer to in Genesis 3:19, 20 (“Dust thou art, and to dust, thou shalt
20. How many different penalties were passed on Adam for sinning?
21. Was one penalty pronounced against the soul, and a different one against the body?
22. Then, explain Ezekiel 18:20 and Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10?
23. Is the penalty mentioned at Genesis 2:17, different from Genesis 3:19?
24. If there was only one penalty, what was it?
25. Does the Bible say the penalty against Adam, was death, a returning to the dust?
26. Or, an endless life of misery in a burning hell?
27. Suppose that all that happened in Eden, no Savior had come; where would the human race spend eternity (righteous David, for example.)?
28. Did Jesus really die when he was impaled at Golgotha?
29. Or, was it only his body that died (implying that Jesus soul is immortal)?
If Jesus had an immortal soul that did not die, and that immortal was
Jesus himself; have we not been misinformed that Jesus died for sinners?
Why not just say that the body Jesus lived in died for the body Adam
lived in, and that the real Jesus did not die at all, and the real Adam
(and the rest of humanity) simply was not (were not) saved?"