I can't get this to woek as a hyperlink for some reason. Copy and paste it to your browser. If this doesn't make you think I don't know what will. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=92wihJ63_Uk
by chappy 4 Replies latest jw friends
Makes sense to me. Most ideas get recycled into other ideas, just like religion.
where are the freakin' references? As a college graduate, I've become accustomed to not trusting anything without references. This makes a lot of assertions; I'd love to be able to verify them. (on a website OUTSIDE of a religious-themed one!)
the video is the first part of Zeitgiest. Much of the stuff about Jesus is based on a book called "Christ Conspiracy". That book was mocked and torn apart by respected Atheists and Christian Apologists on both sides. When people called her out on youtube to provide proof of her claims she said that the Christians destroyed all the proof, and also the proof she saw was in a different language and insinuated that only she can understand it. I could not stop laughing at that. The pagan Gods that really do have similarities to Jesus are not even mentioned in the video or book.
The first part of Zeitgiest is one of the poorest most intellectually dishonest things I have ever seen. Even respected people who are skeptics, critics, and atheists have viewed it that way. There is plenty of stuff out there that brings up the legit debate of the Bible, Jesus and Christianity, there is not need to revert to dishonesty and propaganda. That hurts everyone.