Holocaust Poodles
It was William Butler Yeats who wrote, "The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time."
Before the present time, before "The Holocaust" was imposed on the world, independent thinking on this old globe was still possible.
Mind you, the world was drenched in war, pestilence and political chicanery, but that is nothing compared with being drenched in Judaism, which is what promulgation of "The Holocaust" actually signifies, a secular means for Judaizing the world.
By "The Holocaust" I am not referring to Hitler's various depredations but to the unconscionable exaggeration of those depredations, as reflected in the funhouse mirror of the East European Khazar mentality.
"The Holocaust" infects, corrupts and debases everything it touches because it is predicated on enshrining a Master Race (the self-Chosen) in the name of fighting racism; because it is vengeance personified and because it occludes the greatest bloodbath of the 20th century, the holocaust that was Communism, which makes Hitler's brief foray into mass murder look like a picnic at Pooh Corner.
The remarkable quality of this veritable religion of Holocaustianity is that its fantastic agit-prop concerning the Second World War increases with time, a reversal of the aftermath of every other war in history, in which old wounds are healed and conciliatory facts emerge to counter the moldy yellow journalism of war-fevered fulmination.
And since Jewish people are human, this happened to them too for a while. There was no "The Holocaust" until 1968, where Nora Ephron's book by that title was published. Even then it didn't truly catch on until the broadcast of Gerald Green's "Holocaust" TV mini-series in 1978.
The grandiose megalomania of characterizing one minuscule sliver of the holocaust that was World War Two solely in terms of a Jewish dimension, had not even occurred to the world for more than two decades.
Even after 1978, it took a while to seep into the Gentile group mind. For a time it was referred to as a "holocaust" with a lower case "h," suggesting the possibility that there were other holocausts and that perhaps the Jewish experience was not completely unique.
Now any suggestion of parity would be a species of demonic "denial." Clinton critic Christopher Hitchens told the media after he was tarred with the "denier" stigma by an asset of the White House, that it's one of the two charges (the other being child molestation) which has the greatest career-ending potential (rape and perjury are insufficient, as Clinton's continued political survival in the laughably rigged "polls" proves).
My colleague Kirk Makin's recent investigative article in the Toronto Globe and Mail on German-Canadian Johann Dueck's victimization at the hands of what Makin terms "the Nazi war crimes circus," was nonetheless infected with a tinge of "Holocaust" mania. Makin wrote:
"Mr. Dueck didn't go through the Holocaust. But his life has become one." Makin then proceeds to document how Dueck's Christian family members were wiped out by the Soviet Communists. But in Makin's mind such extirpation doesn't confer "Holocaust" status on Dueck. It took Canada's war crime, witch-hunting judicial apparatus to do that.
Makin's a decent guy. I covered the Zündel trial with him. He knows the score and is willing to push the envelope to get controversial facts in print, but he is oblivious to the degree to which he himself has unconsciously absorbed the Jewish chauvinism of the proprietary "Holocaust" appellation.
"The Holocaust" embodies the pathology that among the world's sufferers, "Jews" alone have a unique claim on history as the only people who underwent a holocaust. It is this sick racism which is the all-corrupting force at the core of the modern zeitgeist.
With this cosmic dichotomy of good and evil comes the panic people feel in the face of crushing power. This is why Swiss bankers and German statesmen are laying down on their backs like timid poodles, baring their genitals to the snarling teeth of a ferocious junkyard dog, risking dismemberment in the hope that having submitted to such a degrading extent, they will be allowed to get up and return to the world of the living without having had to fight against so awesome a foe.
In such cases my sympathies are with the junkyard dog, not the cowardly cur.
What the bewildered right wing--now smitten with Y2K doom as their only hope of deliverance from their own failures of nerve and vision--never learned was that the remedy to our ills begins with the refusal to compromise with evil in our own personal lives.
The American right winger always imagined that he himself could swallow his pride and manhood for the sake of respectability and a career within the establishment, while covertly voting into the presidency a "Great White Hope" who would undo all the mischief which the collective cowardice of the right wing poodles had fomented. But Nature decrees that such people deserve to lose, for they have not the courage of their convictions.
As he was dying from liver cancer, the hideous Khazar pederast Alan Ginsberg was asked what single attribute characterized his life. "Absolute defiance," he replied. This degenerate had taken on the whole of Western Christian culture since the 1950s, risking everything for his perverted fixations.
Thanks to that level of dedication and fearlessness, today we live in a society where homosexuality is the norm and normal people are derided as haters and "breeders."
So let's not mystify defeat. As long as the buck doesn't stop at our desk, so long as in our own lives we play ball with the Jewish establishment and all its countless tentacles both corporate and governmental, we will lose and richly deserve it.
Nothing inspires our people more than bold defiance in the face of overwhelming power. This is why I will take David Duke over Pat Buchanan any day. Buchanan might be the more brilliant and sophisticated of the two, but when push came to shove and the hour of destiny called at Buchanan's door, he confirmed his poodle status and endorsed Bob "Senator for Sale" Dole, just as the Swiss and German Holocaust poodles have endorsed their own executioners.
Duke has never compromised. He is defiance personified and so long as he continues in his fidelity to that defiance, he's got my buck and my vote.
"Absolute defiance!" What a time we live in, when Alan Ginsberg, son of a Khazar madwoman, exhibits more backbone for the cause of sodomy than Pat Buchanan, son of a two-fisted Catholic Irishman has for the restoration of the American Republic.
Today almost everyone offers an ignominious alibi to the threatening rabbis, because they intuit the rabbinic mind, in which all non-Jews are guilty idolaters worthy of death; "extraneous garbage" in the words of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyady, spiritual leader of the Lubavitcher sect which Ronald "Bonzo the Clown" Reagan canonized with a public law, "Education Day USA."
It was Bonzo who made Martin Luther King's birthday a national holiday, while privately admitting to his associates that he knew King was a Marxist and an adulterer. But with a shrug of the shoulders he saddled black and white school children with a venal role model.
He did the same thing after the Jewish power structure became enraged at his initial attempts to normalize relations with Germany by saluting German WWII veterans at Bitburg cemetery. To atone, Bonzo imposed on America the first state religion in its history, a synagogue masquerading as the U.S. "Holocaust" museum. Nostalgia for the administration of Holocaust poddle Reagan has never been greater among those who dare to call themselves "conservatives."
The latest cowardly abdication of the truth comes from those who dare to call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs). The JWs are filthy rich these days and control some of the most valuable real estate in Brooklyn, a province which is otherwise the wholly owned subsidiary of the you-know-whos. This gives the JWs a unique foothold for ostensibly evangelizing the local Jewish people, as well as acting as a bulwark against Jewish power in New York. By why should we expect any courage from JWs when even New York's Cardinal O'Connor has become a full-fledged Holocaust poodle?
Since, as L-F Céline once said, in order to get by in this world it is necessary to "smell a little Jewish," the JWs have imparted this odor to themselves by proclaiming their religion to be the one purely anti-Nazi force during World War II.
While the Pope of Rome and Lutheran clergy "wickedly" collaborated with Hitler, noble JWs opposed him at every turn. Of course, this is a fantasy. Probably the finest forensic investigator of Auschwitz alive is Ditlieb Felderer, a former researcher for the Swedish branch of Jehovah's Witnesses, who was dismissed by the JWs after his research determined that JWs were among the best and most loyal servants of Rudolf Höss, the Commandant of Auschwitz.
But in 1996 the JWs produced a video, "Stand Firm," advertising their alleged heroic resistance to the Hitlerite-Satanists-Incarnate. Who cares, the Witnesses are only a heteordox sect, right? Not quite. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (JWs corporate identity) is among the largest book and newsletter publishers in the world, with a vast readership in Third World countries and among blacks and Latinos in the U.S.
Therefore, let us remind that audience of the actual position of the Jehovah's Witnesses under the Third Reich, which was a noble position and nothing to be ashamed of.
From the official 1934 Yearbook of the Jehovah's Witnesses:
"The greatest and the most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part.
"It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business.
"This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills...
"The present government of Germany has declared emphatically against Big Business oppressors and in opposition to the wrongful religious influence in the political affairs of the nations. Such is exactly our position....
"Instead of being against the principles advocated by the government of Germany, we stand squarely for such principles, and point out that Jehovah God through Christ Jesus will bring about the full realization of these principles and will give to the people peace and prosperity and the greatest desire of every honest heart.
"...A careful examination of our books and literature will disclose the fact that the very high ideals held and promulgated by the present national government are set forth in and endorsed and strongly emphasized in our publications and show that Jehovah God will see to it that these high ideals in due time will be attained by all persons who love righteousness.
"Let us remind the government and the people of Germany, that it was the League of Nations compact that laid upon the shoulders of the German people the great unjust and unbearable burdens. That the League of Nations compact was not brought forth by the friends of Germany."
(yb, pp.134-135,137-138).
Ah, for 1934, when Jehovah's Witnesses really were and the leading Catholic in America was a bulldog named Father Coughlin.
--Michael A. Hoffman II
[Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press]
Yachyd Da
I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: