The force is a tool of satan!!!
LOL "start wars is only for the good of humanity!!:
Nerds on both sides of the fence.
Starwars=The good of humanity
Thoughts please.
by IP_SEC 6 Replies latest jw friends
The force is a tool of satan!!!
LOL "start wars is only for the good of humanity!!:
Nerds on both sides of the fence.
Starwars=The good of humanity
Thoughts please.
I remember hearing that it was satanic at a circuit assembly once. But this is the first time I've heard someone other than JWs say it.
OMG! With all of the evil going on in the world, one would think there are many bigger fish to fry.
Nice prank to rile the nerds. I loved that guy in the black shirt who started ripping up fliers...lolz....
Seriously though, undercurrents of disapproval do surround Star Wars movies....arguments against the "dark side of the force" seem to persuade many that it's a veiled reference to "demonic influence"...
It's like many of the mysteries of god. He is beyond our comprehension. He is 3 in one, one size fits all, and evil and good at the same time. He is the force, and the anti-force. Just believe.
Praise Jebus.
Being able to Force choke some brother or sister giving a really boring during the WT study would be pretty neat I think. Jedi Mind tricks on house owners again neat, think of all those mag placements you could do.
Jcs could be replaced with light saber fights down at the KH and appostates get to wear those neat "sith" monk robe things with the hoods
Yeah, well what do you do with medieval mindset people? You leave them in the 9th century and go ride in a hot air balloon!