I was thinking the other day that by and large, I had more positive experiences with black JWs and other "minorities" in the bOrg. Not completely 100% as there are a-holes in every "race," but for the most part, the black JWs were more loving, accepting, and tolerant than the white JWs.
I haven't had much experience with hispanic JWs but the few I've had, were pleasant.
This isn't to say that a lot of the white JWs weren't kind, on the contrary, many were. I just find it interesting that when I tally up all the negative vs. positive experiences with other JWs, I haven't had many negative ones with black JWs.
Of course, in all of my old congregations, there were by far more whites than any other groups.
Maybe I am wearing rose-tinted shades about this, but I'm also not pulling this observation out of thin air.
At risk of starting a heated debate, have any other whites here noticed this?
This is another blow against the WTBTS. Sure they've been careful to include pictures of minorities in their publications, but the ratio of white annoited vs. minority annoited, is very skewed. It would seem that if this was "the truth" and the WTBTS followed the teaching of Jesus, the annoited would have representatives of every race. This isn't the case.