I came across this website but don't understand what it is. anyone have an idea??
by SB 6 Replies latest jw friends
I came across this website but don't understand what it is. anyone have an idea??
Did you input data and come up with a result?
It is a searchable data base that tells you where the US Government is blowing investing our tax dollars.
I found contracts for JEHOVAH S WITNESSES
One of the contractors that was paid $30,000 was "Circle of Friends", in 2008.
My first thought was that it is a federal reporting system that tells people where an organization is spending/getting money????
Another clue that it's just another business, there is nothing divine about it.
Wow, what a GREAT SITE
Total dollars: $90,008 Total number of contractors: 1 Total number of transactions: 10 Get list of contractors Get list of transactions
Extent of Competition
Top 5 Known Congressional Districts where Work is Performed
| Top 5 Products or Services Sold
Top 5 Contracting Agencies Purchasing from Contractor(s)
Top 10 Contractors
Expand all summaries to all values, not just top 5 or 10
I'm curious - what does the Department of Veteran Affairs have to do with Jehovah's Witnesses???
I love money trails. :)