Is there anyone on this board currently involved with the Vioxx lawsuit?
Vioxx Settlement info
by Junction-Guy 7 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think any men will come forward about being impotent.
Oops! My bad! I thought about the wrong medication. Not the impotence med; but the pain med! I don't know why I thought of Viagra?
LOL, that's funny, alot of people get that confused.
I'm not sure why you would think that there are Vioxx people here, since the $4.85 billion Merck has set aside is for those who have suffered a heart attack, and or worse.
Fortunately Merck, has beat back the scum bag ambulance chasing attorneys REPEATEDLY regarding this case. There are at last count only 3 suits that have won with the vast majority of the cases now having been dismissed or lost by the lawyers of Jackal, Cheatum, Golddigger. The ridiculous runaway trial system in the USA kills its competitiveness compared with other offshore options.
But I'm sure there will still be a few leeches that try to get a payout for doing nothing from Merck. Class action suits are a payout for the lawyers, and everyone else in the process gets screwed.
I was just wondering since there are 25,000 +people on this board, maybe the law of averages.
Your last sentence appears to be the case though. -
I didn't realize there were that many here. Given the victims need to have suffered heart attacks, strokes, or death, I figured they probably wouldn't be posting away with abandon. :)
My first laptop my dad bought me was part of a class action suit. Those of us who had the product ended up getting $100 coupons for our NEXT purchase of another laptop from the same company, and a software fix. The legal firm that brought the case? $ 200 million in cash. I got a coupon for $100.
My new Apple computer is now part of a class action suit for the electrical cord/charger. The proposal is I will get a $50 store credit. God knows what the lawyers will get. But I opted out of the suit. I refuse to reward such shitty behavior by lawyers. My cord/charger works just fine. I don't need to blackmail Apple for $50 in a store credit, and the lawyers who will get hundreds of millions of $$$ in cash.
As the old joke goes, "What's brown and black and looks good around a lawyers neck? A Rotweiler."
Big Tex
My woman used to work for a law firm that brought a class action suit against a major copy machine manufacturer. Long story short, too late, the people who really were being f****d over got vouchers worth $40. The lawyers, and there were a dozen, all became multi-millionaires.