Recently, I saw something on a PBS station that was dealing with the subject of evolution. Due to time constraints, I was only able to catch a small portion of the program. There were two scientists working on a theory that man and chimps - even though very close genetically - could have evolved over totally separate paths. I was not able to watch the whole episode and didn't catch the names of these scientists. I would really like to know more about their work.
Have you read any material that deals with this particular theory? I would appreciate any information you or any others on this DB might have in this regard.
I'm not familiar with the theory you are speaking of, but all that I've ever read on the subject agrees that humans and chimps did evolve over totally separate paths. The two paths do converge, though, around 5 to 10 million years ago.
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
Thanks for responding. These scientists gave me the impression that there was no convergence of the evolutionary paths at any time. I reserve a small bit of skepticism for that viewpoint, but due to the fact I was not able to watch the whole program I undoubtedly missed a lot of information that might have made their viewpoint more valid...
This is curious. The amount of DNA we share with chimps is well-known. How this would come about through two seperate evolutionary paths would take quite some explaining. I'm not saying it ain't so, as that's unscientific, but would like to see the evidence they supply.
I would be VERY interested as to the initiating mindset of the scientists. If they've been trying to prove that MAN is a unique creation, and this is just their latest attempt, then it does undermine their credibility somewhat... but maybe they know something I don't...
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...
My thoughts on this are pretty much in line with yours. Because I didn't get to watch most of the program I was wondering if anyone else had heard of this particular theory and could shed some light on where these two scientists were coming from. I'm always interested in new ideas.