Worst- don't do an apprenticeship the new system will be here before you finish that was 1978. Best- go traveling when you come back and settle down buy a house.
What's the best and worst advice you have had ??????
by karter 6 Replies latest jw friends
The worst and the best are both the same......'be nice'.
More worst :
"follow the slave no matter what"
"wait on Jehovah"
"don't worry your pretty little head about such things.......trust he Brothers to take care of things"
Great advice.
.....all things in this world are negotiated (except salvation).
Don't be afraid to ask or speak up.
Ask again.
Listen to your instincts
The BEST advice I ever got was from the brother that studied with me. He was in a hospital bed waiting for a heart to become available for transplant. I visited him one day to tell him I was marrying a sister. He said he dealt with this sister in judicial meetings before. He told me "do not even think of marrying Cynthia, I would'nt wish her on anyone". When I said " well, she seems ok to me...". He then said "I pity you my brother".
I'm still kicking myself for not following his advice. He was right on the money too. It was a bad match.
Best: I wanted to be a welder. My dad took me to Johnston's Welding to see if I could get a job there. Doing anything. Sweeping the floor, whatever. I remember Mr. Johnston's words ringing in my ear as if it were yesterday. "Matt, if you want to be a welder, thats fine, but dont lock yourself in to just one thing. Diversify. Learn to do lots of different things"
Worst: Some stupid penny stocks that would make me rich in a matter of days.
The worst was dont go to school in 72, college. The end was coming in 3 years.
The best was When Daddy Bush was president I heard on a radio show about investing to buy Fruit of the loom underwear for under 4$ a share. The fellow said it would quadruple within a year and it did, I sold it for 18.
Having the hounders tell me to just meet other men at the a$$emblies, repeatedly. Definitely the most stupid thing.
Don't invest in Google
The internet is just a fad
Ignored the advice