Ha-HA! Obama is a JW!

by V 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • V

    Terrible Michelle And Barack Obama Don’t Give Their Kids Birthday Presents

    Source: http://wonkette.com/401429/terrible-michelle-and-barack-obama-dont-give-their-kids-birthday-presents

    Well, this is the topper. Barack Obama cannot be the American president because he refuses to participate in our glorious national tradition of giving our children lots of expensive plastic shit for them to choke on all the time. These communist Obamas throw birthday parties for their tots but do not give them actual presents. What other subversive values are the Obamas teaching their children?


    - Chores.
    - They get a crappy $1 weekly allowance.
    - These tragic little girls don’t even get Christmas presents, except from Santa Claus.

    This last troubling bit of information suggests Barack Obama’s TRUE religious problem: it’s not that he’s a Muslim, it’s that he’s a Jehovah’s Witness.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It makes for easier house cleaning if there isn't that crap around the house. I mean getting toys and stuff multiple times a year really messes up a house. I'm sure they get stuff, though maybe not at every event.

  • daniel-p

    Holy crap. I knew it. That clean cut look, that well-spoken articulation, I bet you the Society will have him and his family in the WT any day now as an illustration for the perfect JW family. Obama will be holding the Bible like it's the manual for building a rocket, while his wife leans into his shoulder for spiritual comfort. They'll be at a circular oak table in the kitchen, and the girls will have their booklets out and one of them will be holding her hand up for an answer.

  • hubert

    Maybe the W.T. will make him a new GB member?


  • lisaBObeesa

    No way is he a JW. He and his wife were shown on TV doing a 'fist bump' and, as a recient WT has pointed out, fist bumps are not for Christians. 'Satanic origins' I think it said.

  • looking_glass

    I can totally blow that theory out o' the water ... first time I met the guy was at a St. Paddy's Day Parade in Chicago when he was just starting to run for senate. I then saw him at various b-day party celebrations for others and at a x-mas party. So if he is a "jw" then he has fallen off the wagon and they would be holding press conference to disown the guy (all the while talking about how the light has gotten brighter)

  • StAnn

    In the pic V posted, it appears that they just stepped out of their RV. Preparing to go into the circuit work, perhaps?


  • daniel-p

    For those not getting it for one reason or another... this is a joke.

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