Ok, this isn't meant to sound sexist, just an observation.
Did you ever notice that the ratio of women to men in the borg is like 3 to 1.
I find that strange....
by Iwonder17 7 Replies latest jw friends
Ok, this isn't meant to sound sexist, just an observation.
Did you ever notice that the ratio of women to men in the borg is like 3 to 1.
I find that strange....
Wasn't that way in my congregation.
I believe the official number is almost 2:1 men
It's a fulfillment of the prophecy that the women are a large army, or the large women... oh never mind.
My mother joined the cult when I was born. My father never fell for it.
I figured women are more gullible.
Man have to be realisitc.
At least back in the 50's when I was born. My mother never worked and most women I knew never worked back in those days.
Plus my mother joined because she was lonely. She was from Georgia and married my father who was in the air force at Ft. Benning. Then he took her away from her people and brought here to Cleveland.
Then the Cult got her.
I have no idea why some one would join the cult today.
Maybe they would join if there computer was broken and they couldnt afford an internet connection.
That alone, 3 women to 1 man might be reason to return.
I had no idea.
I think the PEW report said the JWs had the highest female/male ratio. If not the top - it was definitly near the top.
On women being more gullible than men:
I think it has more to do with what you said, that women were home more while the men worked.
Women were bored, lonely, and depressed. They needed something that they could call their own.
My "own" thing right now is college. Without it I would be the most depressed and lonely person you could ever have known.
Men were exposed to a lot of people and different conversations through their work that maybe women were not exposed to. I mean that men had a much higher level of social exposure than women because of work.
Being stuck at home with kids and housework meant that the JW's caught them at home much more often than men. The women had the time for studies when the men didn't.