I was today at the assembly and the drama was inspired by my story. I was pictured as the former elder who influences badly on the congregation by saing "Now when it has been so widely preached in our territory it is time to concentrate on helping poor people. Here is my letter to the Governing Body in December 2007, wich inspired the drama: The letter i wrote: To the Governing Body From Jan Kosonen Dear brothers, I would like to share my knowledge and skills with you, to encrease The Lord's properties and his servant's joy. I am 33 years old. I work as a carpenter. I'm married. My wife is 34 years old. We have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. I left school after 9 years elementary school, became a pioneer when I was 15 years old, I was pioneer for 5 years. I grew up in a finnish congregation in Sweden. When I became a pioneer I started to join the english-speeking congregation. Later I became a member there and a ministerial servant. When I was 19 I went to Latvia in 1994. I had saved money and studied russian for 10 months. I was there for a year and some months. Then 3 months in Estonia. Then a year in the russian group in Sweden. Then back to Latvia for a year and a half. Then back to Sweden to the russian group where I was about 7 years. During that time I have conducted bookstudy groups, had a lot of programs at meetings, translated assembly and meeting programs to russian, had I think all kind of practical assignments for ministerial servants, also had some responsibilities that elders usualy have. I have also had a joy to find an intrested person and to study the bible with him and he got baptised after 6 months and he became a pioneer after a short while. Now he is back in Russia. And my oldest daughter is also a publisher, she is 11 years old. I have always tried to help people, so for about two years different people and a family have lived with us in our 3 room apartment. I have helped serval persons to get a work at my wordly bosses smal company. 6 of them work there now and they have helped 5 others to join us. So now we are 12 of wich 6 are baptised brothers, 5 intrested, 1 may be intrested. Now I am in a Swedish congregation, named Skärholmen, and recently i became convinced that I have got the heavenly call, and become anointed with the holy spirit. For 3 years ago I was unemployed and I used the free time in Jehovah's service. I read the bible through in about 3,5 months and I got a real spiritual uplift. I became able to prepare to all meeting programs, read all the litterature. It was for the first time in my life I managed to do that. It felt like I had understud and learnt for 3 months more than I had for 17 years before that since my baptism. But I was worried how I would continue to pray and read the Bible 10 pages a day when I get a work, and not to lose that spiritual level. Then I got different works and I could not continue with the same spiritual program, not until now for approximately a months. When I was unemployed I even checked all the scriptures when I prepared for the meetings. But now when I prepare to the meetings with my family I can not check so many scriptures. But now when I have been studing the bible so intensly by prayer, Jehovah has open my eyes to understand many things more deeply and more exaclty, and I would like to share with you with the increasing knowlege, so that all God's people could rejoice in understanding more and know how to do God's will more productively, increasing His intrests on earth. I would like to wright to You about themes like: Establishment of Gods kingdom Great tribulation Time of heavenly resurection Earthly Jerusalem Man of Lawlessness, Anticrist Womens role at meetings Families importance in last days How to plan your life for young people How to increase bible knowledge and love for Jehova God and Jesus Crist. How to make preaching and meeting programs more effective to reach the gools for them. The role of anointed brothers and sisters in God's congregation And other themes I would also be happy to be invited to work at the headquarters with you to give spiritual food to God's people and to do practical works. Of course I can not leave my family so they would need to come with me. I wish You Jehovah God's blessing your brother Jan Kosonen I wrote them in March and April 2008 six more letters with different subjects. Also about doing fine works and helping people instead of too much preaching. On my website you can find these subjects www.freewebs.com/scripturalanswers
The drama was about me!
by Kosonen 9 Replies latest jw friends
str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
ah...good for you?
Nice job. What do you have planned for next year's drama?
Since this years Drama had some made up names that didn't appear in the bible such as Scolios I was wondering if you could add into next years Drama some names that would appeal to the ones down here in the deep south of the U.S.A.
A few names that spring to mind are like Bubba (literally every family in south has at least one with this name) also Billy-Bob, Barbie-Sue, Rosco, Ellie-May, Jeffro just to name a few.
Thanks for your kind consideration to this.
Your loving brother,
StoneWall -
wow, Kosonen!
You were very brave to write those letters. What was the response from the Society?
How does the congregation view you? Have you spoken out at the Kingdom Hall?
White Dove
You know they would never accept a man with a family at Bethel, don't you?
They will never accept your input because only they have the right to disiminate truth to people, not individual annointed people.
They are probably laughing over your letters because you are too young to have been chosen by god to be annointed, and if you wrote in English...well let's just say they would not be very kind about it.
They annoint you, god doesn't. They have to give you permission to be annointed or you will be the laughing stock of all of the congregations around you.
The part of the elder that you said applies to you may apply to more than a few, so there are probably many people that the drama was made for.
Stonewall....pay attention to what I will say to you:
Next years drama the main characteur it will be named SKATOLIOS....
It is from the Greek words SKATO(sh*t)and LIOS(melt)
It is about an evil person who melts the Sh*ts outside the entrance of the Headquarters of the WT in Brooklyn
Don't forget this name SKATOLIOS
LOL @ justhuman
You got it friend. I will be on the watch for the word SKATOLIOS
And I will remember where I heard it first and make sure I give you credit.
the stone sentinel,
StoneWall -
White Dove
Skat happens, then you die.
I did not get any reply from the Society. My congregation elders did not either get any reply. Then in March I invited 2 elders to me at home. I wanted to show them what the Bible really teaches and I wanted that we together write to the Society but they of course did not agree, but said if I tell somebody about these things they will inmediately disfellowship me. But I said to them I will continue to spread the truth. And I did it before and after the meetings at our Kingdom Hall. And a week before the Memorial they disfellowshiped me. I think many of them understud that the WT-society have false ideas. One elder said: May be you are right in all, but you are not allowed to speak about it, before it comes in the WT. Un other said: Even if what you say comes in the WT, do you think we will take you back? Then soon at the circuit assembly our circut oversee said in his speach someting like this: The ideas of apostates are very dangerous, it is very easy to believe them. And now at the district convention one said some thing like: It seems that the apostates can stike with what ever. And he sounded helpless. But I don't think I am an apostate. When the elders asked me if I think I am an apostate, I said to them that apostle Paul said that apostates are those who say the resurrection has already begun. But I do not claim the resurrection has begun. I think they understud who teaches that a resurrection has begun. I hope they will stop to do that.