Jehovah has real smart bombs

by Norm 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    In Brooklyn they praised Jehovah’s smart bomb capability many years ago. Just take a look at this:

    *** w55 7/15 436-7 War from Heaven Brings Peace to Earth ***
    Men can spray a field with chemicals that kill weeds but spare crops; too bad they cannot spray cities with bombs that blow the bad to bits but leave the innocent intact.
    11 The battle of Armageddon is righteous and in harmony with Jehovah’s attributes of justice, power, wisdom and love. It is just because it is selective in its destruction. It kills those deserving to die. It does not slaughter those of good will seeking to serve Jehovah. This battle displays Jehovah’s power, and it will be exerted to the extent necessary to accomplish the destruction determined. It is wholly adequate. There is no other power great enough to counter it. Armageddon is an evidence of Jehovah’s wisdom, for only by sweeping the troublemakers and peace-disturbers from the earth can permanent peace be established. And it shows love for those who want to serve God and Christ and to dwell peacefully with their fellow man. How can they enjoy peace when wicked men and nations continually foment and fight wars?
    It is quite refreshing to read those very blunt articles from way back, when they still were telling us the real content of the Watchtower “GOOD NEWS”. In Brooklyn they are appalled that people will “howl and protest” against such wonderful news:

    *** w55 7/15 436 War from Heaven Brings Peace to Earth ***
    10 When worldly men hear of this slaughter to come from Jehovah’s hand they set up a howl and protest that it is fiendish for God to do that. They think it is all right for them to dig the metals from the earth and forge them into tanks and guns, ships and planes, rockets and bombs, and to hurl these instruments of destruction at other men, bathing the planet with the blood of the innocent and the guilty alike, the good and the bad indiscriminately. They do not own the earth, or the peoples on it, or even themselves; yet they feel justified to pollute the land and slaughter the people. But Jehovah, to whom the earth and its fullness belong, the Owner of every living, breathing thing on or above or beneath its surface, must not take life, they say. Their wars sweep multitudes into the grave, without distinction as to guilt or innocence. Jehovah’s war will be selective, killing only the wicked, none of the lovers of righteousness that seek him. Yet they say their brutal and wanton wars are good, but Jehovah’s just one is bad.
    No indiscriminate killing on Jehovah’s part. Only non Witnesses will be butchered in that ultimate smart bomb war. Jehovah “owns” the earth and that of course give him the right to butcher left and right – after all he is LOVE. Those who have faithfully attended all meetings in the KH, always slept with their hands above the cover, never touched their genitals with an impure motive, have abstained from blood and “distributed” plenty of Watchtower’s will survive. Even all those faithful pedophiles that have dutifully performed their door to door service, the most holy service there is, in between their sessions abusing children will be looked at least as favorably upon as the Watchtower organization has done. But at least all of Jehovah’s “enemies” can look forward to die with their boots on:

    *** w55 7/15 438 War from Heaven Brings Peace to Earth ***
    15 Men have a saying about “dying with your boots on.” At Armageddon Jehovah God will grant their wish and let them “die with their boots on.” He will allow them to build up to peak strength and go down fighting. Let worldly men die with their military boots on if that is their wish. But we who serve Jehovah do not want to be in their shoes.

    When God has butchered 99,9% of mankind, the Devil will be completely out of work, scratching his head and wonder what happened, he wasn’t even able to top God in cruelty. What a loser that Satan is!


  • avengers

    BE AWARE that these teaching are AT THIS MOMENT still being indoctrined in the Cong. I know, I'm experiencing first hand.

    I can feel it when my youngest son is with me. He has been instructed not to speak about "spiritual" matters.!!! He is 13. He has been instructed not to watch the movie "Harry Potter". Why? There's withcraft in the movie. First hand WT propaganda.
    I have to be patient and wise.

    "Few are they that look through their own eyes and feel with their own heart"
    A Einstein
  • sf

    Mornin' Norm,

    Always refreshing to open up your threads. Good, solid nourishment is fortifying. Thanks for the "dish".

    "Let worldly men die with their military boots on if that is their wish. But we who serve Jehovah do not want to be in their shoes."

    Perhaps BUSH "ADMINISTRATION" and UNITED NATIONS would like to read this. Perhaps they have.
    "Even all those faithful pedophiles that have dutifully performed their door to door service, the most holy service there is,..."

    Surely, a pun NOT intended, surely.



  • Bang

    You forgot some of the 'good news',

    "The unburied dead, "those slain by Jehovah," will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the "war of the great day" to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth.—Genesis 8:18-22."

    What a relief. People shouldn't have to stay up at night and worry about things like that.

    "So it is reasonable to expect that God will dispose of excess bodies by other means."

    Glad that the org. knows about how reasonable God is - he's probably as kind as those people in the bulldozers in those 'world at war' shots. Talk about Love.

    "and "majestic ones" will "howl," yes, roll about on the ground."
    Some good diversion therapy when they're sittin' with DAD.


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