I just got a pair of mags. No questions or study articles on the WT WOW! I phoned a witness friend (yes I still have a few) there is only one Awake every month now and one WT for the public and the other has the study articles and is made available in house only. Is it just because they finally figured out the study article were too deep (or stupid) for the public to handle or are they up to something? Hmmmm
no more questions on the WT
by KingArthur 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They're probably up to something. So how "special" do you have to be to get the WT with study articles in it?
In other breaking news: It turns out they're having the Olympics in China this year! And I heard a black dude is running for president.
Just yankin' yer chain. This is old, old, old news on this board.
Is it just because they finally figured out the study article were too deep (or stupid) for the public to handle or are they up to something? Hmmmm
It has been speculated by some of the more conspiracy minded ones here that they'll step up the cultthink and cultspeak in the dub only magazine.
There may be some truth to that. To outsiders, most of the JW doctrines are silly if not downright stupid. So this way the WTS could continue to try to alienate the sheeple from the the real world by giving them magazines more loaded with the buzzwords of the cult and not worry about having to defend those writings to outsiders.
thanks sir8 and undercover. so just when did this change take place, I know its been a year or so since I had seen the mags. Undoubtedly the double speak will increase, or loading the language as Robert J. Lifton put it in Thought Reform and the psychology of Ideological Totalism.
You been in Camelot too long darlin.
The Awake went to once a month about two years ago and the study only WT was just this year.
changeling :)
Breaking news; Gordon Brown has been made prime minister of the UK
Welcome ! to our little Camelot!
Check your inbox.....for a peek of those 'Study Editions'
RE: the difference between the private and public versions, this was just posted today: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/163117/1.ashx
thankx people stonewall, changeling and yknot I never paid any atention to this for a few years now so good updates how does one get copies of the special editions, maybe my bro will send me some he is the PO in a cong. can they be OCRed and put on the net it is important to keep an eye on the enemy