I just had to share this funny and also pathetically sad story with everyone. Today my mom took me to a Doc appt and while we were in the waiting room the story about the California eathquake came on. It got my mom talking about the earthquake several months back in Illinois. It was felt in Michigan and apparently woke her out of a sound sleep. She had fallen asleep with the TV on and when she woke some TV evangelist was on. She was still feeling the vibrations and immediately thought there were demons at work so she quickly clicked off the TV. I laughed out loud at this. Feeling earthquakes in Michigan is indeed rare but how sad her first thought was of demons. This makes me remember another story from my childhood. My 83yr old step-grandmother had decided to become a JW and was studying with my mother. During one of their studies my grandmother's eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped back in her chair. My mothers first thought? DEMONS! Now if you were in the company of an 83 yr old and that happened would demons be your first thought? I don't think so!! I was probably only around 10 at the time and remember thinking how rediculous this was. By the way.....grandma was fine.