My take is that most Dubs have never seen most of the GB. When I have shown them the pictures of some, such as Danny Sydlic I beleive he was the one with the eyebrows a mile long. Most dubs pass it of as they are not serving the GB but rather Christ. But would they put up with the strict code if they dealt with these GB members on an everyweek occurance?
If D A Adams was the PO of your congregation would our parents have bailed?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 9 Replies latest jw friends
horrible life
That was my name for about 3 years. first and middle initials D A and Adams. Do I win a prize?
You win the "I get to divide the Organiation into little ones Award"! OH...and a 2 nite stay at Patterson............
Yes most Dubbies are clueless about who leads them......or how one man's personality can prevail (kinda makes the other 8 look weak IMHO)
I mocked up some flash cards a couple of months ago.........even took the time to write up stats on the back....
Now my momoneer friends can list them by age, appointment year, nationality...etc...
(anyone know their astrological signs.....that would be a hoot to put on the back!)
(for the newbies...Adams is not a GB member, but is the president of the WTS of Penn)
Here is an older thread about Don...
Black Sheep
My family does not follow 'men', they follow Jehovah.
The men He chooses do not need names or brains or good looks.
My JW has no idea who is on the GB. He also has no real understanding of how these people came to be "Jehovah's Chosen Mouthpiece" in the first place. Yet their spewings are still the truth, no questions asked (literally). Go figure.
Don Adams is not on the Governing Body. He is not of the "annointed" either. He is just President of the Corporation.
As of May 2008, the current members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, in alphabetical order, are [6] :
- Anthony Morris (2005)
- David H. Splane (1999)
- Geoffrey Jackson (2005)
- Gerrit Lösch (1994)
- Guy H. Pierce (1999)
- John E. Barr (1977)
- M. Stephen Lett (1999)
- Samuel F. Herd (1999)
- Theodore Jaracz (1974)
(from wiki)
So only Jaracks and Barr would have been on the GB during the famous Franz vs. Franz blowup?
Wonder if the other new guys (all 1990s era) even have a clear picture of what happened back then, and how 1975 affected it?
horrible life
You win the "I get to divide the Organization into little ones Award"! OH...and a 2 nite stay at Patterson............
I am so excited! I can't believe I won!
Could you tell me a little more about my prize? Do I get to share a room with any of the young virile brothers? Or in the mansion of my name-sake D A Adams? Does it include "the tour"? Will I be allowed into the spiritual gourmet dining hall to partake of an evening feast? Can I sit at the governing bodies table? How much is an appropriate tip for the doormen, waiters, tour guides?
Will they pick me up at the airport in a limo?