Hi folks, Thought you might get a kick out of reading a blog post that I recently wrote about leaving the JWs. http://blog.obiefernandez.com/content/2008/07/becoming-a-worl.html It got a large number of comments and provoked a lot of people to email me, all positive. Some of you might remember me from back in the witnesses.net days -- I went by "Obed" back then -- nowadays I'm a successful author and run a high-profile web consultancy. Glad to see that sites like this one (there aren't many are there?) continue to help people escape the cult. Cheers, Obie http://obiefernandez.com
Obie Fernandez blogs about 'Becoming Worldly'
by obiefernandez 7 Replies latest jw friends
Obie Fernandez?
Do I know you?
Where are you from?
I may have known you as a kid.
Send me a PM.
Octarine Prince
Check your PM. We have something in common. -
Obed, I remember you. Glad things are going well. I'm also a writer. What do you write and where can I see it, apart from your blog?
Glad you dropped in.
S4 -
Didn't you run a DB for "active" jws some years back?
Hi I was just wondering the other day what happened to you. Just a small thing, but if you are able to edit your blog you might want to change the scripture to Matt. 24:45 instead of Matt 24:14. seek2find
Hi Obie!
Good to hear from you, sounds like you are up to a lot of good for others in spite of yer worldly self. :-))
Blondie, et. al... yes, I am "Obed" of witnesses.net fame. :)
Still can't believe I let that server get wiped back circa 2001... I didn't pay my hosting bill for a few months and *boom* it was all gone, including about 7 years of accumulated email. You can still find some witnesses.net stuff through the "Wayback Machine" at archive.org, but for the most part it is all vanished into the ether apart from our diminishing memories