UK take on the NGO thing

by Dogpatch 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Contributed by a "Charles Stanley"

    "Dear Randy,
    There is a weekly discussion programme over here called "Question Time" The audience poses the questions and a panel answers them. The panel is composed of usually at least one politician amongst a total of five prominent men and women. Tonight one panel member referred to the NGO's. This is the first time I have heard this term used on this popular programme.It was used in a matter of fact way as if everybody new of this organization, which of course they don't. It was as though the speaker was saying in a 'throw away' superfluous comment, "Everybody knows that the NGO's promote the virtues of the UN" Just as night follows day, so the NGO's speak for the UN, it is an established certainty. They are non-governmental so they have no axe to grind they are impartial. "Everybody knows" except the WT who signed up for it 10 years ago and every year until 1991. How dare the WT the epitome of discretion (i.e. the self assumed discreet slave) come out with this lame pathetic school-boy excuse, "Please sir, we didn't know that we were trespassing into the orchard; the signs that we ourselves erected that said 'Keep out!' we didn't think applied to us" They have been publishing the "Keep out" signs for a quarter of a century! I, have phoned an elder and told him that the WT was part of the UN according to the Guardian newspaper. His well trained response was predictable in the form of a castigating rebuke of the newspaper. (We should allow ones like this to give vent to their feelings and shore up any breaches in their defense. They are in fact repairing the walls of their castle with paper bricks. They ar building the proverbial "House of Cars". One friend of mine phoned the New York Bethel and someone there said, in response to "Is the WT an NGO?" "I can categorically tell you that, that is a downright lie" This Bethelite then abruptly put the phone down. I asked my friend what date he phoned the Bethel. He said it was the 9th October 2001. I told him that the Bethel member was speaking the truth, the truth by a fraction of a day; because on Oct 8th the WT was an NGO. That particular Bethelite, (his answer showing him to be a well trained graduate of his theocratic school ) and his tutors must account for their actions: their errors of comission and omission. (Eph 4:14) A certain riddle has a very appropriate moral at this crucial time of decision. A peaceful country has a population where half of the people always tell the truth and the other half always tell lies. How do you distinguish the liars from the truth-tellers? The point is, that you don't: they both are wrong. Why? Because they peacefully co-exist. The liars are clearly wrong and the ritual truth-tellers are also wrong because they condone the liars."

  • avengers

    Spit it out. ppppfffffff

  • sunscapes

    How do you distinguish the liars from the truth-tellers? The point is, that you don't: they both are wrong. Why? Because they peacefully co-exist. The liars are clearly wrong and the ritual truth-tellers are also wrong because they condone the liars."

    All I need to do is include my sig for this one...

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

  • sunscapes

    And, all it takes for evil to flourish is for one to stand idly by and watch it happen.

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

  • Englishman


    "Question time" is a major current affairs programme broadcast on BBC TV. You can listen on the net, or join in.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Celtic

    and any members of the public can apply to the producers for asking direct questions of the panel.



  • hawkaw

    ummmm.... the wording is incorrect.

    The Watchtower has always been a "non-governmental organization".

    As an existing non-governmental organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. voluntarily solicited (in writing) the Department of Public Information (DPI) for an "association" status with the DPI in 1991.

    In 1992 a DPI committee, "accredited" the Watchtower and the Watchtower became an "associated" NGO with DPI. Association is considered a "partnership" in the eyes of DPI.

    On October 9, 2001 the Watchtower, as an existing NGO, was disassociated by the DPI after the Watchtower requested termination of the "association".

    Today, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. is still an NGO but does not have "association" status with DPI.


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