...there is no end and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh. Why do none of the dubs clue in that this points to them more so than any other religion and is a major cause of all the burn out in their religion?
To the making of many books..
by Mysterious 7 Replies latest jw friends
knock knock
I've always seen the irony in that. Wearisome they are.
Everytime the Witnesses point their finger at the world, they have 3 more pointing back at them.
They never notice. They're thick.
Even worse than the quantity of the books is the quality. At least in the world, the making of many books has to be of decent quality or else they are not going to make a profit. And hence the variety of topics. Reading those books can help you to become better integrated. And that goes for web pages as well.
The Washtowel littera-trash is different. The books are crap quality. They misquote the Bible (at that, a Bible that has been intentionally tampered with). And they are all basically the same, save for a few updates to put in the "new light". Making for some rather tedious reading.
I've never understood why having so many books was such a good thing. The PO's wife at my congregation actually complained one time about it, saying there was nothing more for them to say. Plus, all the comments you hear about the literature at the meetings talks about how people are never at a loss for something to read. Wouldn't that just get tiresome? Thankfully, I've never read an entire Witness book in my life.
It would be interesting to see what the original Greek word translated to "books" really meant. It's nice to lob verbal gernades at the JWs for their "making of many books" but for every book they make they make a cagillion ragazines. Me thinks taking the scripture too literally is falling into the same trap the witlesses are known for. carmel
Yes but Carmel the way they teach it is that it does literally mean books and they insult the world putting out so much literature. My question is why they do not realize they are the pot calling the kettle black under their interpretation rather than any desire to actually apply the scripture to the JWs objectively since I do not even follow the bible...
If The Watchtower only published a few books, then what would they do with all the printing presses they have acquired? They would be idle.
So The Watchtower HAS to publish new publications each year, they are forced to do that if they are to continue in business.