Welcome to the Jungle this is Jim Rome...what is uuuupppppp. The last couple of days have been eeepppic. 1st, Shaq has gotten over of Kobe with his "tell me how my @$$ taste" rappp!...........HOWEVER.... I, when leaving to do this show.......had 2...yes 2................JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES show up to my crib. They told me how to..... Live Forrrevvvvvvvver in something like a... Paradise or an Oasis or Utopian Whatever!...... However I think they just wanted to check out my Grrreeeoooollllll!!!!!!! Let's get to your TAKES.....with the email contest......................... Contestant #1.....reads... Tell me how my @$$ taste.......sincerly......the PO, who with his Elder buddy and.......... MS friend...told you, not to play little league,..................... becauce the end was nigh! ......................PS............ My son made it to All Stars this year. Wanta come and watch???.............................uuuuuunnnbelieeeevable.. Contestant #2 ....Tell me how my @$$ taste.....Best regards.............The PO's ...............ALLSTAR................... Contestant #3 ....Tell me how my @$$ taste.....Yours Truly .......The CO.........Who..... played after school sports, had oral sex with his soon to be wife, on the night of the Prom, went to college and sent his children to a............. university...................condemned you for wanting the same thing! GOOD-NIGGGGGHTTTTT-NOW..................... Up all night....ohhhhhh.....up all night ........
THE JIM ROME SHOW on the JW'S.. after Shaquille O'neil's debacle with Kobe!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 6 Replies latest jw friends
are u serious...i listen almost everday i missed out !?....
I listen too.....since 1992......when did you start
Okay, I don't know anything about this Jim Rowe, etc., BUT....
our town's little league team went to the Little League World Series last year. They didn't win, but they made it to the series! When they came back, we had a big parade for them. It was great. We're very proud.
I don't think there is anything more wholesome than kids playing little league. Makes your heart sing.
West Side Little League, Hamilton, OH. Go Blue!
ive been listening for years...never called in with a take or anything just a listener....MY biggest thrill was when R had to start talking about mixed martal arts...as a mainstream sport. I thought i would never hear those words on his show UFC...but it happened...
i guess i started listening around 2001 or so out of detroit windsor area....
I find Jim a little pompous at times but for the most part I think he does a good sometimes funny show... BOOM outta here.
IREALLYDIDWALKOUTOFTHEKH- Hey there ! I did call the Jim Rome show on Thursday and got through and talked with Jimbo himself ! I was the caller from Sacramento, California talking about the Ron Artest trade and my take on it being, " Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out ! " Yep- that was me, Mr. Flipper ! It was the first time I've ever gotten through and talked to Romey on the show ! Mr. Flipper of the " Have a take, and don't suck " class ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper.............I noticed you alot when I just read frome this board, so its nice to know you are a CLONE! Ha ha ha, we will have to stay in touch and have some takes on Rome. Lots to go over but...the Favre, Manny and the Olympics should give Rome something to talk about............OOOUUUTTTTTTTTTT