In my etiology and occupations class, we are talking about mental health and occupational therapy. Each group is to present a case and discuss it and how OT can be used. Well one group was doing borderline personality disorder. So I told them I would give them the account of my mom. Sometimes it is therapuetic for me to talk about it. So I told them about it, gave them examples of how she meet all nine of the criteria, etc. The hard part was listening to my own story today as they presented. It was tough to hear some of the things. No one but them knew it was me in class, but still, it was tough to hear about how she tried to kill herself. It was tough to hear about how she devalues me one minute and puts me on high the next. It was weird to hear it back....
tougher than I thought....
by wonderwoman77 3 Replies latest jw experiences
I had just read your intro thread and decided it was kind of late to welcome you, and now here's another that touched me!!!
It is strange that we seem to be able to cope so well with our experiences and decisions (such as yours to share with the BPD group) and then are taken aback with those same experiences/decisions revisited.
Anyway. Welcome to the Board.
My niece by marriage has Borderline Personality Disorder and her daughter lives with me and has experienced mostly the being put on a pedestal stuff -- which is freaky in itself. Nobody should be THAT valuable and KEY to another's happiness. When her Mom gets out of control, she withdraws so as not to hurt her daughter. This is possible because she lives hundreds of miles away. (She hurts other family members instead...) She, too, has drinking problems and an eating disorder. So I empathize, even though I have never been in your shoes.
Anywhichway, it's great to have you here. I've already enjoyed your comments!
Hang tough and forge your own destiny, WW!
When the truth is found to be lies
and all the joy within you dies ... -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love -
Thank you outnfree. I appreciate you welcoming me and replying to my post. Borderline is a very tough disease to deal with. You might want to read Stop walking on eggshells to understand how to help your nieces daughter and your niece. It is a great book. There is one called Understanding the Borderline Mother, it is good too...:)
Thanks for the tips on reading material, WW.
I'll look into those.outnfree
When the truth is found to be lies
and all the joy within you dies ... -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love