I just thought I would share. It's a made up word, there's no real definition. I am composing a letter and it just made me giggle, I thought I would share. Happy Friday Everyone!!
DISFELLOWSHIPPED is not in the dictionary
by Layla33 8 Replies latest jw friends
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
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o????p / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation [ dis-fel-oh-ship ] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -shiped, -ship·ing or (especially British
) -shipped, -ship·ping. –noun
1. (in some Protestant religions) the status of a member who, because of some serious infraction of church policy, has been denied the church's sacraments and any post of responsibility and is officially shunned by other members. –verb (used with object)
2. to place in the status of disfellowship. -
Actually if you go back into the early 60's, 50's, and probably earlier, the term used was "disfellowshipment." This is something I have learned when associated with older jws or older ex-jws.
It is possible that the word "disfellowship" might not be in English versions of the bible.
Interesting. It's not in the dictionary I used, but interesting to see the link. I still think it's a hoot. Oh, and MS Word doesn't recognize it as a word, either.
Disfellowship my Arse already! please....
Disfellowship my Arse already!
What about the rest of you?
"Disassociate" is rather odd too.
You Associate with a group "A" being a prefix which means 'with', and sociate which means the society of others people. "Dis" is a prefix meaning absence or reversal of a state.
So this word actually is as silly as saying you are "unrenewing" a library book.
"dissociate" means to remove from the society of others or to break up relations between objects, and comes from latin.
Disfellowship comes from a hybrid of latin and anglo saxon, and means exactly the same thing.
I give up...
Did you know that" Gullible " is not in the dictionary either ?
It very much depends what dictionary you consult because as an earlier poster illustrated it is in some dictionaries. By the way, the concept of disfellowshipping is in the Bible, especially in Paul's letters (I disagree with the concept, but thought I'd point out it is a Bibilical concept).