The Governing Body is stealing Ray Franz's ideas

by JimmyPage 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    On page 267 of "Crisis of Conscience" Ray Franz made the observation that the '95 new light on "generation" came shortly after he described what the Governing Body needed to make the doctrine continue to work.

    My copy of his book came out before this year's "new light" on "the generation". However, on page 265 of Ray's book another possible "out" for the Society is given. Guess what that "out" has in common with the new understanding of "the generation"?

    I swear those old guys in Brooklyn make me madder every day!

  • digderidoo

    The "new light" on the term generation is not actually new at all. The generation was classed as the annointed many years ago, way before the literal generation idea came to the fore.

    Within Ray Franz's book you will see that one member of the governing body, can't remember which one, was actually teaching this in some part of Scandanavia. It's not that the GB stole the idea from Ray Franz, but it's seems as though this interpretation has been branded about within the governing body for years.


  • besty
    Interestingly, in Crisis of Conscience, Raymond Franz showed that in the 1970's Schroeder had proposed applying the generation solely to the Anointed.
      The leadership had made numerous adjustments and now had few remaining options. There was the 1957 starting date for "this generation" proposed by members Schroeder, Klein and Suiter, but that seemed an unlikely choice. There was Albert Schroeder's idea of applying the phrase to the ''anointed'' class (an idea that had been floating around the organization for many, many years) which offered certain advantages-there are always additional persons (some fairly young) who each year decide for the first time that they are of the "anointed" class. So this would offer an almost… p.265

    from located using my custom search engine just for JW reference material

  • stillajwexelder

    Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery

  • Texman55

    Once again, another proof that they just make all this shit up as they please. And then peddle it as god's eternal fucking Truth. How the hell can they live with themselves, what twisted minds and souls they have. Franz should have titled his book "Absence of Conscience.".......

    Is Bro. Franz still alive, btw? He's the only one I would ever now dignify with a title.....hell, he should get a medal for sheer courage and honesty.

  • Kosonen

    As I've understud from the Bible the generation begins with the time called "the conclusion of system of things" but I don't think we have come to the conclusion yet. I think the generation has to do with 42 months in Daniel 12 and Revelation 12. I have some more information on my website

  • moshe

    Less than 1/10% of the world's population cares about what happened to the anointed remnant or the 1914 generation. More and more JW's have proven they don't care either when major doctrinal adjustments are made every decade with not even a tiny protest from the brothers.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It's not surprising to me. They use everyone's ideas but God's!


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