I think it would be great to see The JWD turn into a non-profit organization against religious abuse. Promote harmony and put an emphasis on bettering humanity than coping with SIN. If we added some finacial gain to this board as well as all of this time we invest. We could take over the world.....LOL...but at least break down the Watchtower!
Do you think that Simon would let us advertise the JWD on Billboards?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 7 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I like the idea, but it would probably get Simon and any posters sued and get the board closed. But that is just my cynical side showing....If it would work I would toss in a few bucks to get some bb's along highway 99 put up!
Y'know, I wish you'd brought this up earlier. We could have pooled funds and bought up bulletin boards next to the sites of the various DC's this summer.
Perhaps we could do that for next summer?
Y'know, this would be a great apostafest idea. People in each state could have apostafest fundraisers and then buy billboard space at the DC locations in their state. That way, we're all involved at a grassroots level. Probably more effective than picketing.
Personally, I think this would be a waste of money and counter productive - it would 'prove' to the JWs that there was some organised bunch of opposers who wanted to bring the WTS down just as the WTS told them.
Also, until people are ready to leave and open their minds the mental shutters just come down. It would just be like the picketing at assemblies - did this ever convince anyone to leave?
What we are doing is much more effective IMO - provide an environment for discussion and for people to ask questions and let them see that we are normal people who decided to leave and are now leading normal lives.
My 2.1 cents*
* includes GST @ 5%
My first reply from Simon....what do you know!!!!!!!!!!! And of course Simon makes a great case explaining his side............ why JWD should not go on the offensive, becauce it simply would offend JW's who are not ready to leave .....and I get that.....but 10,9,8,7 or whatever years ago, had I known that there was a group of people this size that either had or were considering leaving for all the reasons I was questioning, it would have made leaving much easier!......Young people really have no chance at all to leave and move on. From 15-18 a young one is making sacrifices, after school sports as an example. Then 19-20 something... you find yourself looking for a spouse...then kids...then aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.........you are stuck. Here is my take! The bill boards would be constant reminders from a public view rather than, a once in a year bash, on the Distict Convention grounds were it would be natural to feel violated. I do not think there is only one right way to do something so I would never push this on JWD becauce it is a matter of principal.....and I can understand the priority being just a harmless site for individuals to express themselves....However it would have been great to know of this site much sooner. Not being agressive does have its benefits, but it really does benefit the self-righteous JW's who present, those who leave as being lost....when in reality this board is anything but...lost! That's my 2 cents!
The Billboards would not be to attract HARD CORE BELIEVERS ... forget them ... It would assist Bible Studies or Witnoids on the FRINGE.
Would Sparkles be allowed on the Billboard?
Or would it just be Black and White?
What a coincidence...................that is exactly the point......