I'm worried about my uncle--he's going in for triple bypass surgery on Wednesday, and he is still a devout JW, and therefore will refuse blood. Does anyone know anything about this type of surgery? Obviously it's major surgery, although it's much more routine than it used to be. Is it something that goes wrong a lot and requires blood transfusions? I hope to God not.
Triple Bypass Surgery -- Blood?
by gloobster 1 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind
My mother and my sister (both JW ) have had triple and quadruaple by-pass w/o blood . They did agree to cell salvage during the surgery .
When I went with my sister to her pre-op visit the Doctor told her they rarely if ever use whole blood transfusions ,however they do use fractions of blood .I was so embarrassed as she quoted Watchtower mumbo gumbo on alternatives to blood for surgery ...as if she knew more than the Doctor .
Witnesses I think go in to surgery thinking the Doctors are the enemy trying to trick them into compromising their faith instead of someone trying to save their freakin life ! After my mom's surgery they wanted to give her Albumin which she refused ....:( because of her confusion over what Jehovah approves of and doesn't .) Yet before surgury she agreed to have EPO . WHICH increased her risk of stroke.
Hope all goes well for your Uncle . Surgeons have done many of these surgeries w/o blood their techniques have improved so much over the passed few yrs.