Martina McBride:
Well, word gets around in a small, small town
They said he was a dangerous man
But Mama was proud, and she stood her ground
She knew she was on the losin' end Well folks, I've had a great weekend visiting with y'all, and catching up on "new light," hahaha. Which we all know is just "old light" flipped over and refried in the same old smelly grease. The more things change, you know....the more some things and some people stay just the same as they ever were. But I've ignored some pressing business and my partner too this weekend, it's time I was moseying on down the trail here.... Some folks whispered, some folks talked
But everybody looked the other way
And when time ran out, there was no one about
On Independence Day It's really strange how even after 31 years, I'm still getting new insights into what the JW experience really was all about, and how it affected me....and still does. Lots of nearly forgotten memories have flooded back. Tonight, it dawned on me that it was about this time of year that I finally made the big momentous decision to leave the borg....don't know the exact date after all these years, but maybe that's why I was drawn to this board at this a way, to celebrate the anniversary of my own personal Independence Day...the day I really began to live as a free man. Wow, what a great coincidence..... Let freedom ring
Let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today
Is a day of a reckoning I've really enjoyed meeting some of y'all here....sort of like a virtual District Assembly, yeah....but without the mind-numbing talks and butt-numbing stadium seats! hahaha Your stories have moved me....and I've been able to share mine, something I never, ever get to do in real life....because "worldly" people just can't understand, not really, even my nearest and I keep all that locked away in a deep, dusty vault way down inside, hidden where no one can see. me....something strange is happening to me..... Texman's head does a 360. Eyes roll back in his head, face contorts. His inner black diva speaks: "Saaaay WHAT!?!? Hitler? HITLER?? Oh NO, he did NOT go there!!! Jeeezus, you mean it?? Oh no, no NO, babies, we are not EVEN going to sing verse one of THAT song! In 2008??? What you talking 'bout, this IS the new system right here and right now, and it's a brand NEW day, children, we are NOT sitting in the back of the straight bus NO MORE!!! (snap, snap, SNAP) Turn me loose, I'll show him JUST what he can DO with that plantation AT-TI-TUDE . . . " Texman, regaining consciousness, grips his chair, struggles to regain his composure. After a minute, his features relax and he resumes normal speech: Ahem. Sorry for the interruption. Must be catching a cold or something. As I was saying, I got to share my story....for whatever it's worth. Probably not much, but maybe, just maybe I was led here at this time because somebody out there I will never know, will take heart from something I said and shared....and find their own way out of the sad and sorrowful darkness, into the sunlight of true freedom....our "inalienable right" men and women all "created equal," in Jefferson's immortal words. Let the weak be strong
Let the "right" be wrong Talk about your revolution It's Independence Day To all my ex-jw brothers and sisters....for if you have escaped the slavery and tyranny of the watchtower, I feel you really are my siblings in victory over an abusive spiritual "parent".....more so than we ever were when we were in our chains.....big warm HUGS and all my very best wishes for a life full of laughter, love, and liberty. For my freedom is your freedom too, never forget that. Think of me next time you hear this song. And rejoice with me! Fare you well. Roll the stone away
Let the guilty pay It's Independence Day And to you Simon.....a very warm thought.