Do Meeting Times pop into mind for you?

by AK - Jeff 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    After years of fighting the die-hard hard wiring I donned as a Jdubya, I have noted finally of late that meeting times do not pop into my mind any longer. For years I stayed aware [obviously without wishing to do so] of the fact that it was 'Thursday' or 'Sunday', and as the meeting time approached I became aware of what the routines of the 'brothers' would be - getting dressed, gathering the books and bibles, ushering the kiddies into the car, hurry to the meeting place, running late, getting there 5 minutes before the song,,,, so forth.

    I think the guilt was layered so deeply that it took me a few years to shed it entirely - I rarely think of such now and take it as positive healing for me.

    Have others experienced this 'meeting time' recall?


  • Dorktacular

    Yeah, it took a few years before I quit thinking about meeting times.... Now it doesn't even cross my mind. Now I just focus on the times my favorite tv shows come on!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Its been closing in on a year since my last meeting. At first, I had this "problem"... but now... I couldnt tell you what time the meeting on Sunday is (the congo meets with 2 others in the KH)...

    In the old days, 10 min before 9am..I would be rushing out the door for the field circus meeting... not so much anymore

    Freedom is sweet

    Snakes ()

  • chickpea

    i have to tell ya....
    meeting times are the BEST time
    to hit the local superstore
    (rural area so EVERYONE ends up there eventually)

    no "self-respecting" dub would be shopping
    and the ones who are employees would have
    arranged their schedules in a theocratic array.........

    that is the only consideration i give mtg time

  • WTWizard

    I think about them, but I do not feel guilty about blowing them off. Rather, I realize that I am missing out on precisely nothing while they are wasting their time. The only drawback is that, if I have to go to work and there is a boasting session letting out, I have to be wary to not be accosted and recaptured by those cockroaches while they are letting out.

  • blondie

    I have other meetings (volunteer groups) that take up that time besides a few of my favorite TV programs (though I tape them). Free at last.

  • james_woods

    I usually liken this to getting over a really bad flu virus complete with coughing and sore throat.

    Sooner or later, that one day comes along when it is over with, and you did not even realize it yourself. It was just over with.

    You are amazed - and you realize: I have not even thought about that sore throat all day, because it is gone.

  • jaguarbass

    I've been out since 83. I never think of meeting times. That was a different life.

  • flipper

    Never. Stopped popping in my mind the day I walked out of the kingdom hall 5 years ago

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