Since most of my memories of being a JW, are terrible(and I do mean most of them). I figured I share one funny one. One time back when they first started the new number 2 talk arrangement (switched to only doing bible readings, and not having to actually write a talk), I got a talk slip but lost it.A Few weeks later I didn't realize I had a talk only until I got to the Thursday night meeting, and the school overseer came up to ask me, "Are you all set for your talk tonight"? Like a deer in headlights I said "Yes" (lying to him since I didn't realize I had one, only up until that moment). At that time I was only giving number 2 talks, so I knew it was going to be a reading. I went in back to the bulletin board (the one that every KH has) and grabbed the reading schedule. I found out which bible reading was for that night, and wrote it on the back of a time slip (I used to always use those stupid service slips as scratch paper for just about everything). I went to my seat and practiced the reading several times and looked to see if there were any difficult words or names. I spent the entire first half of the meeting practicing up until they dismissed for the two schools. When the brother called me up, I was EXTREMELY nervous (since it was short notice and all). I walked up to the stage, read the reading straight through (without even looking up at the audience), got done and walked off the stage. As I was walking down the aisle back to my seat (I always sat in the back of the KH), I got a lot of blank stares from the people in the audience. When I sat down, my parents looked at me like there was a ghost sitting behind me. The guy who was the school overseer said to the effect (not exact words but somewhat similar), "Brother Superman, that was a great job on the reading, hopefully the brother who gets it next week does just as good a job as you did". Turns, out not only did I do the wrong week (I read the assigned reading for the next week), the reading that I should have read wasn't even a bible reading at all, it was actually supposed to be a WT article (I must not of heard him say that when he called me up of on stage since I was so nervous). Needless to say I didn't give any talks for a few months after that. Any other funny stories from any of you guys?????
Funny JW memories/stories
by superman 6 Replies latest jw friends
I'm trying here, but I'm coming up empty. I wish I had something to add...your story is great, though!
For some reason, every time I have to do a magazine demonstration during the announcements, I always find it sooooo funny. So every time my friend and I went up there to do it, something would always go wrong, and we'd always end up having to stifle laughter on stage.
Oh yeah, One summer when I was out in service, it felt like a million degrees (with 100% humidity), so like any other "normal" human I figured it would be a good idea to take off my suit-coat and loosen my tie (bad idea). When me and this other guy got back in the car, I was told by this "looney-tune" older timer (every hall has one) that I should put my jacket back on and tighten my tie, his words were "We are doing this work for Jehovah, and we should always look presentable, as his workers"! Now I can only imagine how fanatical we must have looked to people whose houses we went to as they were in t-shirts, and shorts, and we're coming up to them (in full suits), sweating "bullets", looking like we just left a funeral. I often wondered why I never left the "troof" sooner. ):-(
I think the funniest times are when I see us passing a house or street that we are supposed to have a call on, and I keep my big mouth shut and let them waste their time hunting for it.
My funniest moment...was when a bunch of us teens took on the older ones in a baseball game...and you know elder, marked our 1st sabotage our chances of beeting the geizers..... Damn you Brother Hernry!!!!!! We lost 22 to 5!
I remember being about 7 years old and the society had a new tract and a campaign to go with it called "Why are we here?". So, me and another little 7 year old go to a door..(who in the hell pairs up a couple of 7 year old boys for service?) my companion knocks on the door and starts his spiel. "We were talking to people about the question: Why are we here?" The man in his mid 30's looked right at him and said..."Yeah....Why are YOU here?" Watching my friend's brain lock up and watching him sputter for an answer was one of the funniest things ever.