Jehovah will destroy you.

by Yerusalyim 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    My wife told me an amuzing and yet sad story about my step son, Sean. When he was three, in preschool, and already reading due to hyperlexia (part of his autism) he got into a spat with his preschool teacher.

    It seems Sean was acting out in class so the teacher sent him to stand in the corner for a bit. As he was walking to the corner he turned and yelled to her, "Jehovah is going to destroy you and all wicked ones at Armageddon!" and then proceeded to quote scripture to her on the very subject.

    Needless to say the teacher was a bit flabergasted by this and addressed the issue with Liza.

    Where did Sean get all this? From the "Children's Book of Bible Stories" and from meetings.

    As Witnesses Liza and her now exhusband told the story with pride while hobnobbing with fellow JW's.

    To me, while amuzing if you know Sean especially now that he's taking inquiry classes in the Catholic Church, it's sad that kids are taught such hate and have a picture of such an unloving God.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • joelbear

    I think what is even more telling is that Sean used it as a threat against someone who was disciplining him, so he saw as the enemy, if only for the moment.

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses wish for the destruction of the wicked or simply for the destruction of those who they don't like.


  • rodnico

    My aunt always reminds me about the time that I told her when I was five that she needed to become a witness so Jehovah would not destroy her in Armageddon. She told me after I left the organization how much that hurt her feelings. Hearing her tell me this helps me understand why I still get panicky about Armageddon. I apologized 20 years later to her...and said well I guess it will be both of us together then.


  • avengers

    This sound familiar. I have heard these thing happening in the last 30 years while I was in the "Truth". Never gave it much thought until you brought it up. Good work. Do some more research on the subject and keep posting it.

    "Few are they that look through their own eyes and feel with their own heart"
    A Einstein
  • Seeker4

    I remember a family that was pretty black and white in their thinking. Their small son told his grandparents, while riding down the street in our village, about how Jehovah was going to destroy the beautiful church they happened to be driving by, and how Jehovah hates other religions, etc.

    Those grandparents NEVER showed any interest in the Witnesses, and I think were really put off by the child's comments. The child today is grown, and also no longer a JW.


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