How many knew of...

by tresdecu 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    Elders, MSs, Pioneers, ... heck even COs who privately expressed doubts to you directly or other reliable sources?

    (I hate the distinction between those "spiritual giants" (I never was one...just a R&F/MS) and the common folk)

    But it's interesting / stregthening to hear stories of them expressing their distaste at some of the BS.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I remember one ex CO in our cong that stated out loud that the GB might want to re-think the 1914 generation thing. It was the year 2000

  • AudeSapere

    I was preparing a talk with my householder - a woman who had been in the org for many, many years. She and her sister were very social in the congregation but both had married worldly men. Her daughter 20 year-old daughter married one of the 40-year-old elders about 25 years ago.

    Anyway, here we are in her house getting ready to rehearse the talk. We were having a snack and just chatting when topic turned to something (i don't know, someone ill, some violent act, something...) and I made the standard flip jw response of "at least in the new system we won't have to worry" or "we'll see her again" - some canned jw response.

    Her reply startled and frightened me: "Oh, Denise. You don't really still believe that, do you?"

    "Well, yeah!"

    If I ever see her again, I may have to ask about that. Maybe not outright, but do a little probing. Oh if only I had gotten a clue 20 years ago instead of floundering around in jw limbo for so long.


  • Casper
    to hear stories of them expressing their distaste at some of the BS.

    Not exactly doubts, but "distaste" as quoted above...

    One Elder told me that he "hated" going in the door to door work, because he didn't want to be there, he knew the people didn't want him there anyway. Kind of suprised me when he said this, as it was during a shepherding call.

    Another Elder was visiting us and the subject of the constant "Do More" demands of the WTS came up. He totally agreed and said "I know, it seems we can never do enough, no matter how hard we try". Then he just hung his head and looked so defeated.

    Both of these times made an impression on me, in that... these people were just as worn out and stressed as I was.......


  • still_in74
    I remember one ex CO in our cong that stated out loud that the GB might want to re-think the 1914 generation thing. It was the year 2000

    LOL... did you ask him where he had been for 5 years!!!

  • yknot

    Yep..... and I was told those stories over and over... from birth (1973) until May 1980.

    When I was in California..... heard much of the same but from a post 1981 perspective.... there are a lot of ex bethelites in CA, who are closet aposates.

    But most R&F would push it out of their minds to hear anyone higher then the BOE doubts, no no only spiritually strong are taking the lead.

  • amama2six
    I had a good MS friend a while back, and he told me after a few beers, that his wife (pioneer daughter of big elder type) scarred him with the comment: "what if all this just turns out to be wrong? and we're just another weird religion"

    Oh no, the wheels started turning in her brain! BIG JW no-no...hehehe. Wonder how long it will take her (and him) to figure out she hit the nail on the head with that comment?

  • GoddessRachel

    This makes me wonder about my favorite CO. After I left, I have often wondered how he could be so smart, and so charismatic, and not know it's all a farce? He probably does know...

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