I was preparing a talk with my householder - a woman who had been in the org for many, many years. She and her sister were very social in the congregation but both had married worldly men. Her daughter 20 year-old daughter married one of the 40-year-old elders about 25 years ago.
Anyway, here we are in her house getting ready to rehearse the talk. We were having a snack and just chatting when topic turned to something (i don't know, someone ill, some violent act, something...) and I made the standard flip jw response of "at least in the new system we won't have to worry" or "we'll see her again" - some canned jw response.
Her reply startled and frightened me: "Oh, Denise. You don't really still believe that, do you?"
"Well, yeah!"
If I ever see her again, I may have to ask about that. Maybe not outright, but do a little probing. Oh if only I had gotten a clue 20 years ago instead of floundering around in jw limbo for so long.