Looks like SATAN is persecuting me!!!

by amama2six 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • amama2six

    I just got off the phone with my stepmother (who is in the hospital with a shattered femur and wrist from a moped accident). I had previously thought that her and my father were inactive, but now it appears they may be on their way back in to the Borg. We were talking about a visit she'd had with my daughter and how my daughter's father was calling constantly to "check up" on what was going on (nice little rant about what a jerk he is) when I hear her say "yeah, it was really irritating for him to be calling so much, we were getting calls from the brothers and didn't want him interrupting us!" or something to that effect. It has been YEARS since I've had any kind of conversation with them concerning anything JW-related...now a week and a half after joining this site I find out they're probably involved again. Darn Satan for persecuting me!!! (Hey, if they can blame Satan for all the problems in their lives, so can I!)

    I fear this may mean the shunning they've already been practicing with me will end up getting worse...to the point where we don't talk at ALL about ANYTHING. At least when they were inactive we'd have general conversation here and there and hung out together if I visited CT. This bites... Well, at least my two and a half year old (who they've only seen in person once) lightened the mood a bit. I put her on the phone and she exclaims "Hi Grammommy!!! I wuv vooooo!!!!" Got a chuckle out of my stepmom and a "awww that was cute", so who knows. Maybe the desire to be more involved grandparents will counteract the stupid shunning rule a little bit? I can hope!

    Oh, but she's alright, in case anyone was wondering. Surgery went better than expected and it's looking like she'll graduate to the convalescent home on Friday if she continues to make progress. So that's good!

  • dawg

    You're right! You are being persecuted... at least you're good looking though... always look on the bright side of life my sister.

  • Twitch

    No he isn't. He's right here having a beer, watching "The Prophecy" starring his favorite actor, Christopher Walken and sharpening the pitchfork (with his tongue). We're gonna hit the pub later and hustle the pool table,...lol

    Hope you and yours keep well.

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