Hope you will stay in contact after JWD closes...

by SnakesInTheTower 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I hope that after this board shuts down that many of you that I have met in person, talked to on the phone, emailed, PMd, chatted with on IM...will still want to stay in touch.

    It has been difficult keeping screen names and email addresses, phone numbers etc. straight. For some of you, I only have your screen name here and PM to communicate...soon, that door will close.... and I would like to stay in touch...that will be up to you in many cases...

    Some of you have my actual name and contact info..something I still cant put out there.... still in fader mode as long as my mom is still in.

    For others, you only know me as Snakes. If i have helped you at all, then I am glad. If my words hurt, I am sorry. If I have ticked you off but made you think, good.

    Feel free to check in with me at my blog (who knew I would bother with that). Ironic, since it was a blog that was the final nail on a JC that I served on that caused a friend to be DFd.

    For now it is only a place to contact me. Later, I may tell my story there and link it to other ex-JW sites....

    http://snakesinthetower.blogspot.com/ Eventually, I may set up a regular website so as not to be dependent on another site.

    So lets enjoy our time here together while we have the time.

    Snakes ()

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Snakes: There are sites for adoptees, and ones who gave them up for adoption.

    I vote, to make you the keeper of names and addresses. Lets say, that I want to get hold of Cruzenhart, you would email her, and ask her if it was ok. She would reply "Oh yes!!! I would love H/L to contact me!!!! She is such a lovely person! You would then email me her contact info.

    All in favor of Snakes, having the authority and doing the work, email him your info.

    Thank you Snakes for taking care of this.

    I am kidding of course. Or maybe I'm not.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    horrible life:

    All in favor of Snakes, having the authority and doing the work, email him your info

    I resigned as secretary awhile back...lol...maybe there might be away to let people keep in touch that wouldnt involve any record keeping on my part...if the process could be automated....or something...

    now if money were involved.... I am kidding of course....or maybe I'm not.... as you say...

    Maybe someone can start a Facebook page or something for JWD refugees.....i heard the kids talking about Facebook......

    Seriously, the blogspot web site for me is a way (maybe temporary) for people to keep in touch...with me..or others I guess too... I dont know the limitations of the blog thing....

    I sure dont think I have that much great to say to justify a blog for goodness sake... but I do enjoy writing, so maybe it might grow into something worthwhile.

    Snakes (of the "what the hell am i still doing up at 130 in the morning?" Sheep Class)

  • Yizuman

    Huh JWD is shutting down? Where did I miss this announcement?


  • SnakesInTheTower

    shameless bump. http://snakesinthetower.blogspot.com/

    Snakes ()


    Huh JWD is shutting down? Where did I miss this announcement?

    it was posted very late last night.

  • RollerDave


    Of course I'ma stay in touch!

    Already commented there. Life will go on.

    I think Simon needs a break, God Bless him.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I'm already enjoying your blog

  • SnakesInTheTower

    shameless bump. http://snakesinthetower.blogspot.com/

    Snakes ()

    PS I should have went to college.... 25 years ago, I planned on majoring in computer programming. Too bad the borg got in the way.

    I guess I should at least learn web design and HTML..maybe create a basic site instead of relying on blogspot.


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