Hope ottawa is treating u well ..ejoyed all those music posts you did long ago....Im sure a lot of ppl havent forgotten about you.
Didnt forget about you. Take it easy....FedoreE errr Frank.
by chrisjoel 8 Replies latest jw friends
Hope ottawa is treating u well ..ejoyed all those music posts you did long ago....Im sure a lot of ppl havent forgotten about you.
Didnt forget about you. Take it easy....FedoreE errr Frank.
Thanks for your kindness Frank ! It's strange that I tune in today,and find the board in a state of rebirth, after so long a run. Hell, even Jay Leno's givin up the ghost these days. It is only,the next stage of evolution.
My thanks to Simon and the mods for putting up with my venting and sensitivities. I feel I have done a lot of healing here. That in part,is why I have been scarce lately. In self reflection, my own recorded words on the board,show this.
It is nice that a few folks remember the music thread,rather than the rants. They were necessary however. Many have extended their hand in freindship and I have backed away, or gently faded. I want those folks to know, that it is not personal. It never was. I love you all. I still need some work, but at least I feel more human now, than ever before.
It's funny but among the many intellects, the fellow that finally effected my phyche, was AK Jeff. It was a simple pm, he sent me. Five words. " We are on your side.' Others have shown their support to whom I am very grateful, but for some reason after Jeff said that, a burden was lifted off me and I started to post less. It was what I really needed to hear. A simple Pm by Burn also had an impact. Simple and Burn is an Oxymoron by the way, but this simplicity seems to have a great impact. I'm still digesting it.
To all those I consider freinds, I offer my sincererest apologies for dropping off the map. These are folks I have corresponded with and then vanished. Crumpy, Guest with questions, Spaznik, Truthseeker, JexW, RAF, Ms Mc D, Skully. Of these afformentioned only two know my story fully.
At first, when i came to the board, I didn't want anyone to know. Letting one person know was safe. Frankly, I didn't really come here to socialize, but to heal. Being understood was more important to me. After wailing for so long and venting it was Jeffs words, The " We" part that finally sunk into my head. This is significant because the "we" that I knew publicly otracized me. Now there are other folks that matter more. I am not saying I have become perfect. Far from it, we all carry baggage to some extent,but I feel I must evolve, just as this board is doing, through good times and bad. Lets hope the core of what made this board great, remains in tact, in some other forum. Who knows what the future will bring!
It is nice that a few folks remember the music thread,rather than the rants.
What a beautiful tribute to you.
Oh, that everyone would leave a stronger mark for their virtuous talents than for their shenanigans.
I also agree with your comments about AK Jeff. Sometimes the most simple expressions make all the difference.
Hi Tyrone,
Glad to hear you're well. We have missed you but understand your need to absent yourself.
I seem to be going back and reading some of my old posts. Here's one from 16 November 2006 that I think you'll find significant:
Hi Jeff,
I understand the "invisibility" factor. I empathize and purposefully do a search and rescue of our little, single-digit-response posts which, like yours, do merit attention. Mr. Rogge's comment on the revealing of the true nature of so-called friendships rang true, as well as his other points. The info was not exactly new to me, yet I found his presentation fresh and a reinforcement to all I've learned of late. Your experience has given me the courage to continue posting. I had planned NOT to sign on today because I feel so insignificant. Unwittingly, you have spurred me on!
The invisible man,
AK Jeff's thread on psychology in spiritual movements (the title escapes me) got one response - mine. But the result was mutually beneficial - at least I'm hoping!
Take care, Tyrone.
And Tyrone...
Your contribution to me is a letter that you wrote a while ago...
"Dear God. It's 7am, and I just can't sleep..."
How many times did I read this letter??? I cannot tell...
Thank You and the best to you {from your Ottawa neighbor:-}
AudeSapere, you know here I'm comin from. Thanks for your comments.
Coco, You son of a gun, I knew I forgot someone. You really do, add a touch of class and gentility to the board. Yes, we can never know, how some, who might think, there words are insignificant, can effect others. So true! I'm glad you understand my random abscences as well
Summer, this is a perfect example of what I'm saying. I didn't think too much of the letter to God that I wrote. In fact, although many could see where I was coming from, I thought it might stir up some contempt as well. If you're from Ottawa, perhaps we should have a tea and discuss quantitative mathematics. Just kidding, that's my brothers bag. See, I am getting better.
I have been toying with the idea of a breif music thread as this board could shut down anytime, I suppose. It might be a fitting end to a great forum. A melancholy and celebratory end, with tunes fitting into the theme of leaving witnesses, and the close of the board. If I decide to do it, I will explain fully, how it will work. The thread would be dedicated to Simon and Angarhad. It will have a theme, for the purpose of being breif, and having an end, in case it goes on for a hundred pages. LOL! We'll see.
Tyrone, how good to hear from you!!
Summer, this is a perfect example of what I'm saying. I didn't think too much of the letter to God that I wrote. In fact, although many could see where I was coming from, I thought it might stir up some contempt as well. If you're from Ottawa, perhaps we should have a tea and discuss quantitative mathematics. Just kidding, that's my brothers bag. See, I am getting better.
Tea is fine. But hhmm...I will pass on the quantitative maths
As for the letter to God, what can I say? For whatever reason, it touched me. Goodness, I even saved it.
It was part of your healing process and I am glad to read you are getting better
Hi Tyrone, I read this post earlier but am just now responding. It's so good to hear from you and so glad to hear that you are doing well.
Summer thank you for reminding me of Tyrone's post. It deeply touched me also. I still have my response but never sent it. I will pm it to you Tyrone. It's very rough and I haven't the time to fix it but you will get the gist of it.
I was going to resurrect your music thread yesterday but am glad that you're considering something. With love, GwQ