I'm not going anywhere. It's here or nowhere. (I can hear the wailing the streets as I type)
My only gripe is
by Peppermint 3 Replies latest jw friends
There are some boards out there that are in need of editing and input. Here's one on Jehovah's Witnesses that has a link to "Jehovah's witnesses eschatology" and yet, NO information when you click the link. But a great opportunity awaits as it is open to be edited.
I bet there are a lot of places that could use some editing work!
And don't forget some of those websites like "answers".
Hopefully members from here will be out looking for opportunities to leave footprints everywhere.
Sorry, I don't think its my place to tell anyone where to go - all I wanted to do was give plenty of warning and time so that people could chose where to go and that people could start forums if they wanted to.
We're trying to make things as smooth as possible.
wha happened?
4 months is plenty, I was concerned it was going to be like 4 days