what i hate about the bros is there bare faced hypocrisy they preach to people look at the leaders in you faith,see how they conduct themselves.and on this base they try to get folkes to turn away from there chosen faith.but you dare question an elder or any wtbts teachings or the way they deal with "problems within the cong"you are kicked out or at best marked as a troublemaker.ok for them to highlight the faults in other faiths but NO WAY MUST ANYONE HIGHLIGHT THE EVIL IN THE WITNESSES!!!!!!!!please what are your thoughts my bros and sisters of jwd.
wtbts are two faced liers!
by mattbetrayed 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Oh you went and got me started.
I hate the way they do all of that. Bunch of mealy mouthed hypocritical turds. The elders can do as they please as can their wives and kids. The rest of us eat crap they dish out. In my experience any questions are dealt with swiftly and harshly. One sis I knew had several points to make about the 1914 generation back in 1988. She was talking along the lines of what the assholes believe today. She was marked as a troublemaker and everyone was told she was MENTALLY ILL!
I hate the crap they teach....
Tyrone van leyen
This a pecking order mentality, started by a fat prick, Named Judge Ratherflawed. He was an amazing peice or work. He could drink all of Bethelites under the table and make rules that applied to everyone except for him. That even included having casual liasions with his fling Berta Peale. I have also read that he visited a strip bar in Paris. See any modern similarities in the congs. Of course you do.
He never really was a Judge. He only served once on the bench as a fill in. What this fat prick, with the big mouth and bullish behaviour did, was got rid of the system that Russel put in place. That's right folks. The elder arrangement used to be done by election and he took that power away from the congs. This was so that he could have more control to satisfy hi ever burgeoning ego and keep an eye on everyone with his network of rats while he did what he pleased.
What this really means is signifacnt. It gave those appointed as elders, a means of acting like judges over the congregations when they wern't really judges and didn't know the first thing about due process, or fairness or even hearing someone out. It means that they adopted the Fat asses personality and created a little boys club. It's kinda like a reward for kissing ass, for 20 or thirty years.
Ah yes! The personality cult of Rutherford. Hated and reviled by his own family, and the patteren keeps repeating over and over, because the structure can't be breached. TOTAL CONTROL and NO MERCY>
The extent of the whole process is so ugly, that is is contemptable to think that the entire org. is made up of an army of lawyers and has been for the last 130 years, but not a single person within the org. gets a fair trial, when they know dam well how to proceed with ligitmate trials.
What it really amounts to, is an excuse for purges and kangaroo courts, to hold onto power. This is quite evident if you look at the 200 year old Gezzers still running the funny farm.
thanks so far for your views they are very much the same as mind.but i would still like to see what others think and there experiences.
please keep thm coming.
Wasanelder Once
They fall back on the old maxim: "Wait On Jehovah". Now that pisses me off. If abuses of power happen in other religions it is a sign of Satan's controlling interest in the religion. If it happens in the congregation of Jehoobiedoobie its a sign that it is human and that Jehovah is patient while they struggle to do his will. What a load of cow crap. Their "suffer" until Jehovah acts mentality is sick and perverted. People submit themselves to the most horrific of situations, mental cruelty and physical abuse, for the "Name" of God. So glad I'm off that ship of fools. Yeah, they are caught in it, that's the sad part about dependent people, they suffer for their trusting and ignorant ways. Been there and waited on Jehovah for that. Not waiting anymore. W.Once
well said was an elder once, i think that they do just that.i really hate the "new light"bull shit,it is so easy,oh the end of the world is 1925,oh no i mean 1975,oh hell it will be when everyone that was alive in 1914 wont die until all these things happen. oh!! shilt they are all but dead and gone and nothink happened.i knowlets find some"new light".totally laughable,iam soglad to be free,please keep your points coming.