So there was a former brother who's house I used to go to for bookstudy. A couple years ago we ran into each other on this board... now come to find out he just got sentenced to 6 years in prison for trying to have his wife murdered! I just found it so ironic, and very disconcerting actually. Thought I would share this with yall.
Interesting News
by roflcopter 5 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting news article. They kind of blasted the wife/victim as being a terrible person.
Do you know if she was a JW?
They were both witnesses. But both left, as far as I know i think she either A. still is one, or wants to come back now.
Very strange article! Did you know the wife and find her so heinous that murder would have been justified? Cause the only real indictment of her character was that she would do anything to get ahead. Did she beat her kids or castrate her husband in his sleep? Strangle puppies? Boil a calf in its mothers milk? Wear scary clown costumes and frighten people?What?? Just curious. Just to avoid such a fate being visited upon myself and excused by my community as justified.
the only thing I know that the wife did years back was cheat on her husband with another brother in the hall. They patched things up, or at least so it seemed, but apparently not. They always seemed like a nice family, and I actually liked having bookstudy at their house because afterwards I would go in their garage and play video games with their sons.
I actually liked having bookstudy at their house because afterwards I would go in their garage and play video games with their sons.
Oh, well that explains it, they're all demonized. LOL.
But seriously, do you have any idea if the letters of support for the criminal were from jws? This sounds like them.