I often wonder how he's doing and wonder if someone can fill me/us in?
Dansk? Can someone update...
by UnConfused 7 Replies latest jw friends
Me too. He's often in my thoughts. Anyone know how Ian is?
Mickey mouse
I was wondering the same. I seem to recall seeing his daughter (Faundy) post in the past few days. Maybe if she sees this she can update us?
I would like to know also.
I have been thinking about him too, spent yesterday evening trying to see if I had missed any news
he last posted in March and there was a mention of him being in hospital in July.
If you are reading this Ian or Claire we are thinking of you
My thoughts are with him also
Sounds good to me.
Englishman spoke with him last week. He told me that Ian was off to hosptal again for a course of treatment that wasn't related to his earlier illness. He was very optimistic as to the outcome. I can find out which hospital he's in so that those who want to send him get well cards can do so.