The Open University - UK READ THIS AND VISIT

by Celtic 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    For many of us dealing with overlapping complex issues, please visit this website belonging to the Open University in the UK, a truly excellent resource.

    The Open University is one of the leading universities in the UK with daily learning tuition upon the BBC2 channel, Learning Zone, broadcast throught each night.

    Another thing, I happen to think that a lot more physical exercise would be good for us in assisting in overcoming overwhelming feelings of anxiety, anyone suggestions that they have found most effective? In further generation of beneficial positive, mind, body, action, results?



    PS oops, might help if I give you the address, well worth a visit:

  • Angharad

    Hi Celtic

    I've just finished my first year with the Open University working towards a degree, I start my second year in Feb.

    I really have enjoyed it, I think it is one of the things that has stopped me going mad over that last year.

    Another address for them is :

  • Abaddon

    I've just finished (October) two years of OU work to complete my degree (I did three years full time at Exeter).

    I think it's great... well, I'll decide how great it is when I get my marks around Christmas!!

    I think it's great, and especially great as it is more or less free to those with low or no wages.

    I agree Celtic; any psychological condition is best approached body first; if you suffer from any problems, you are best off making sure you eat properly, exercise regulary, and sleep (or rest horizontally for those who have sleeping problems) a sensible amount.

    The old saying 'a sound mind in a sound body' is pretty true, and only by eating, exercising and resting enough can we be sure we are not screwing up our psyche through an unhealthy life-style.

    Drugs can have an affect as well. I am a die-hard pot smoker, but will be the first to say that some people are affecetd by it in more adverse ways than others, paranoia and anxiety being classic examples. They are especially bad, as they are counter-intuitive. You (not you personally, you as in one) would expect dope to chill you out, so you don't immediately identify them as being symptoms of cannabis use, and then you have to stop using cannabis (so much or at all), and as you have a preconception that cannabis relaxes you (and it does physically even if you get paranoid off it), you get anxious over stoping or cutting back, which makes you think that it's not cannabis making you anxious, but cannabis stopping you getting anxious, when in fact it IS cannabis making you anxious!

    Angharad, what course are you doing? I did Modern Literature (now discontinued but I think there's a repalcement this year) and Shakespeare (bloody brilliant).

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Marilyn

    Celtic my husband works for the OUHK. Open University of Hong Kong. Some of the staff in HK are ex OUuk staff. My husband is a distance learning specialist. I'll tell him about your post!

    I swim alternate days and walk on the other days. I swim for 35 to 40 minutes and same for the walks. It's good for stress - and great for the the body! I'm completely addicted!


  • Sirona


    I would love to do my degree with OU, but they're just too expensive. I work full time, so I would have to pay full fees, which are about £1000 per annum. The degree Im doing now is with our local Uni, and I pay just over £300 per annum for that, and attend 2 evenings per week.

    For relaxation and general wellbeing, I do yoga. It is excellent as a stressbuster and teaches you breathing a relaxation techniques. There are lots of beginners videos out there and its not that difficult.


    ** **

  • Englishman


    I always walk home from the pub.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Angharad


    I've just finished the Science foundation course. Next year I'm doing two thirty points course, Geology, and The Interior of the Earth.

    I'm aiming to get a degree in Natural Sciences.

    Even though it can be expensive, it is very good value for money. The course materials are excellent quality like the sort of books you would go out and buy.

  • Celtic

    Thankyou everyone for your replies, tell me though, did you find the site mentioned above beneficial in any way too?



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