Just wondering. I heard he was very ill.
What does he expect next for the organisation doctrinally? Does he still comment on such things anymore?
by yadda yadda 2 2 Replies latest jw friends
Just wondering. I heard he was very ill.
What does he expect next for the organisation doctrinally? Does he still comment on such things anymore?
As far as commenting on things doctrinally, I just read the 4th edition of CoC and it is amazing how every time he predicts something it becomes the official "new light".
Ray spoke towards the end of the book of how the Society needed to explain why there are newly anointed since the door to heaven supposedly closed in 1935. He also talked about changes that needed to made to the understanding of the generation of 1914.
Lo and behold the Society changed exactly according to Ray's suggestions! He has more influence on the Society now that he's out than he ever did when he was in.
Thanks for that Jimmy. I wonder if there is a 5th edition coming out with more surmisings? Would love that.