Synopsis: The movie "Two Worlds" was a film liked by moviegoers. 315 000 Danes (that is 6 per cent of the population) watched the film this sommer, thus making it a blockbuster this year. The film will be the Danish entry for Oscar this year. The movies is based on a true story. Sarah lives with her family, that are Jehovahs witnesses. The high school girl is facing opposition when she falls in love with the somewhat older non-witness Teis. Two worlds is the obvious choice as a Danish entry to be a Oscar nominee, but it is still an untraditional choice. Two worlds is a Danish movie, but the plot could might as well have taken place in a small town in France or USA. According to the principal of the European Film College, the movie might reach far. It has a strong script and the story is somewhat old-fashioned the way it is told, which is normally to the taste of the Academy. However, more than one hundred other countries have sent in movies in the category "Best foreign-language film".
Danish movie "Two Worlds"
by InquiryMan 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mickey mouse
The film will be the Danish entry for Oscar this year.
A great opportunity for publicity.
I was translating from the article. One has to read the enitre synopsis. Hundreds of films are in the process of being entries in order to be nominated as one of the select films that have the chance of getting an Oscar. So there is a long way to go. but a very good start. ust imagine if a film on a JW related film had an audience of more than 10 million people in the movie theaters in the US, that equals the number who have seen it in Denmark so far...
I've said all along: This is the perfect film to be remade in the US for American audiences.
Danish films have been nominated 7 times for the Best Foreign Film Oscar, and have won the award twice.
Have you seen the film, pseattle2? Are you able to understand the language?
No, I haven't seen it - but the subject matter and style seem to be perfect for an American remake. I can promise you that when the Danish version comes to Seattle I will definitely be seeing it.
The story started in a newspaper in denmark.
The story tells about a life of a young girl, and her way out of Jehovah witness. The news paper was and you can find the story here.
I will try to make a translation, with my bad English. this is not the final storu in Two worlds, the story evove from here on
A un-avoiding break with God, throws a young girl into a confrontation with the values, that have form, her life and controlled her freedom.
This is the story about Tabia Brøner who leaves Jehovah witness, but her self end with being left.
This is about a life in unwanted isolation. And about the ability to make the right chooses.
The table is like a tower in front of her, on the other long side of the table sits three pale elders, shoulder to shoulder, they stare at her, then she slowly is
coming near the table, with slowly steps. On the table is piles of papers, books and a bible spread over the table. It is a Wednesday in Marts 2000 and she
is 17 years old and is nerves and scared. She feels like a microbe in this dark room.
She take out the chair and sits in silence and wait. The light hair is push back, behind the ears. The mens eyes are burning into her skin. She knows them
all tree – have known and always respect them. They are the elders. The highest learned and prised in the kingdom hall in Hobro, where Tabita, have
grown up.
“did you kiss him?” ask one of them.
“did you touch him?”
“did he touch your breast?”
“did you have sex?”
The questions did get more and more personal. And her hole thin body was shaking. Tabita knew to well, she had done something wrong. She had sleep over
with a boy. It is very illegal by the rules. The eyes drives around the cubic room. The walls is full of furniture’s with literature. She can’t make her self to look into
there eyes, she is ashamed.
The tree men send her out side the door, they discus behind the door, do she need to be punish, or not? Her tears is coming out, and find the way down her
chin on her. Then she sit down beside her father. He have sit on a bench under the hole meeting, he clap her on the back, and try to comfort her, but she
almost don’t sense him.
The door goes up again. They call Tabita in again. The Elders have prepare for a learning speech. She have to break, the contact the this boy, the demand.
In return, they will tone down this accident, so she get free of being mark as bad company, for the rest of the congregation at the nest Sunday meeting.
Tabita knows she is lucky, but the punishment is still unbearable, she begs with out luck, to be able to see her boyfriend, she is in love.
“It is the most terrible thing that can happen, I had disappointed all, and suddenly, I was all alone.”
Tabita Brøner is named after tailor in the new testament. She have been a Jehovah witness all her life. As long as she can remember, she have attended the
meetings every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday in her pretty clothes, with her parents and sisters.. already then she was in the baby wagon she was with her
family out and ring bells, mostly with her dad.
She always use most of her time with her dad. He was the play uncle, then her mom was making diner, washing clothe to five kids, then he did not read the Tarzan
books with her, they was out side in the nature. Together they was able to pass many hours with looking after the farms animals, donkeys, rabbits, cats, dog,
and chickens.
Sometime she was aloud to join him, in his trip to Rolf woods(Rolf skov) and ring mark owls then they took on some warm clothe, and drive in a old green SAAB.
She stands at the foot of the tree, then she see her dad climb the tree with out fear, up to the bird nest.
But her comfortable childhood is gone now, everything have change after she have grown older. Constantly her sense, make her ask questions about religion rules,
she have grow up with, and slowly, she starts to live in two worlds, two life’s, one as happy and full of life Tabita, who is in love and throws away, the values than
have controlled her. And the other one is as obedient good witness of Jehovah.
Exposure of her night at a boys home, have already given her a mistrust at the congregation and by her family, her formerly to different life, have now collided. She
can feel how the rules at Jehovah witness, make her world smaller, but she refuse to let go of the world out side.
“I would have like to have the opportunity to be more with people, who was at my age, so I had feel more normal today.”
Tabita pull her sleeping quilt up to under her chin. Here is so quiet in the dark room, she fold her hands and close her eyes.
“God, Jehovah” say the 17 year old girl to her self, as she have done those times before, every night before she had gone to sleep. But this time the prayer is different
and her last. Because this afternoon in may 2000, she can’t make her self, to say, the same thing as she use to say.
“I don’t believe in you any more” she whisper out to the air.
It is a few days since she stayed away from a Sunday meeting for the first time. Her mom and two younger sisters run around the house, to make them self ready,
was fighting for the bathroom as usely. But Tabita just stayet in bed, she din’t wanna go out of bed. She waitet to some one was asking her why, she didn’t have got
up and got into her cloth yet, but no one asked her.
In month she have been slit between her religious views, she never had doubted before and her independent way of life, she had got the taste for, but Tabita, have
finally taken her decision, she have broken up with God, she don’t want to be a Jehovah witness any more. She can’t any more, it feels wrong. She is a different person now.
Her hands split before her usely prayer in the morning, the “amen” stays’ away. Tabita turn to the other side in her bed, to sleep again with a new feeling of relief.
“I don’t regret my chose, it will be wrong of me, to stay in that religion, because deep inside me, my reason was talking to me, here is no god.”
The heavy sun shine was hitting Tabita on her face and arms, in her pink summer dress, she was walking bare feted in the front yard of the little red house in Nørresundby,
where she just have move in with her boyfriend. On the grass her two cats is enjoying the heat from the sun. it is July 2001
In the last half year she have past more and more away from Jehovah witness, she don’t come to the meeting any more, she don’t see her former friends any more, she
don’t feel like a part of the congregation, any more. She is holding her distant, almost like she is hiding, she have stop at high school, she feel it was unnecessary she
feel like she was about to go crazy with her disordered life.
A car door sound comes from the road, Tabita hurry to the garden door and she gives her dad a chin kiss. She have really look forward to see him here, happy to show
him the new house, and the garden, she grab his arm, and go arm in arm with him, around and show him everything, dad and daughter together, showing him the flowering
rosebush the woods berries down near the fence and the apple tree in the middle of the garden, before he is aloud to inter the house.
They sits down at the eating table, and Tabita have pull him around the hole house, meanwhile he gave some good advises on how to remove red iron and how to remove
unwanted plants. He didn’t say anything about the bed she had made on the sofa, to imply she was sleeping here and not with her boyfriend in the double bed. A bed she
had made a few hours before he came. They both know it is a lie, but she don’t know why she did it anyway. Maybe to keep some kind of illusion to her dad, tat she was
living as a Jehovah witness.
Tabita put the coffee on the table and feel both the cups, she smile to him, but he don’t react, he have suddenly become very serious man, she had only meet a few time
before in her life.
“Tabite, you now live together with your boyfriend, so there for I can’t see you any more” he say calm.
The sentience sound untrue, she doesn’t believe it, she makes a small laugh. But she meet a fast look from her dad and a thin mouth. He repeat his words in a stem tone.
He want Tabita to return to the congregation, but she refuse.
They leave the eating table.
“well, is it just a goodbye then?” she ask dizzy.
“yeah, I guess it is,” he puts his hand forward, but she grab him, and give him a half hearten hug. And he turn his back to her, and goes for the door, and walks down the garden
path. Suddenly the truth hits her, he is gone, out of her life. The tears is running down her face.
“from I was a little child I look up to my dad, I want to be what he expert of me, I’m sorry I was not able to live up to his expectations.
The television is flickering. Tabita is sitting comfortable in the sofa. She have taken a blanket over her legs, and is sipping a cup of tea. It is soon August - almost to moths since
her dad left out the front door. She is speculating over what he is doing right now? Is he well? Don’t he care about her? But the phone break her thinking.
She lift the phone and recognise the voice at the other end of the phone. It is Henrik – one of the eldest from Jehovah witness from Nørresunby congregation. Through the last
weeks he has show up at her door, with out luck.
Now have Henriks patience, been use up. Tabita, have to show up to a talk in the kingdom hall, or she will risk to be shun, he threaten her.
She sits back in the sofa. She don’t want to have anything to do with then any more, the television, is still going on, but it is hard for her to concentrate, because a few miles away
tree middle age men is deciding her fate.
A shunning will isolate her totally from the people she have grown up with. The eldest doom will mark her as a bad person; a person whit should be avoided, the though is driving
around in her head.
She though she had faded out of Jehovah witness, that the congregation, would have forgot all about her. So the rest of the families, didn’t have to push her away.
A half hour later the phone rigs again. Henrik preaching voice is rift a lot of bible citat in a formel voice.
”Paulus write… Immorality sex… sin… anger.”
Tabita is only hearing with a half a ear. Because the message is clear to her, she have been shun.
“I feel lost. I got throw around in the system, a part I didn’t want to be a part of any more.”
Only a handful of dark silluete, was to be seen at the train station. She is now 21 years old and waiting at Hobro train station, on her way home. She looks up at the big arms
of the clock, here is still ten minutes to the train goes.
A young girl pass her. She suddenly recognise her, it is her sister line, she haven’t seen almost in a year – not since she have been shun, Tabita take a step forward.
Line looks up slowly, a short moment.
“Hi,” she answer formal, and continue past Tabita and stands up a few meters away, Tabita, follow her with the eyes. Line is searching for her earphones. And take up her
mobile phone, and start to push the numbers.
Minutes pas by, meanwhile the two sisters stand a few meters from each others, with out say a word, it is a strange empty feeling, They use to share rooms for years, they was
best friends. She tries again to get a eye contact, but with out luck, at the time the train comes in. Line turn her back to her, and walks fast to the next train door.
The train wagon, is almost empty, then Tatiba walks into the train, she see Line – she sits a few sist away, she can she her dark brown hair top, between the sit rows. It is nice to
see her again. She just wanna go down here and just talk to her, but she can’t make her self do it. The train starts to move again, and stations pass by.
Tabita take her mobile phone, and think for a moment, and write a SMS-message to her sister.
“I’m happy to see you again, you look good, I hope you are okay, hug Tabita.”
Not to close a massage, not to long. She push, the send-bottom and lean to the one side to keep a eye on Line. But the reaction stays away. The hair top don’t move.
“next station: Skørping” sound it from the mechanical loudspeaker. Line stands up, but Tabita, don’t get another look on her one and a half year young sisters face again.
She walks the other way out, and leave the train.
The train starts moving again. Tabita sits without hope left, and look out of the window. She have keep the mobile telephone in her hand. But with out a answer. Line is already
dissaper in the dark.
”My family have always mean a lot to me. Then i look at other families, i become sad, it reminds me of i don’t have mine anymore.”
The almost midday sun is interring the cubic room. The clock is close to eleven, then Tabita walks into the Chappell at Hobro sick house. On both side of the small corridor sits
women and men, with folded hands and with sad eyes. In the heavy wooden chest lies a boy, Tabita have grown up with in the congregation.
She is late, and the low music come toward her. She looks around the room, but all the sit in the back is taken. Here is only sits left at the tree front row. She hesitating small
moment, but find courage. It is the hole old congregation who is in the room. Tabita haven’t seen them, since she got shun for over two years ago.
Back then she felt alone and isolated, but now she have control over her life again, she is almost finish with high school, and have plans for the future.
The ceremonial starts, she can’t be standing at the door opening any more, she finds her way throw the Chappell, every time she pass a row, she meat people she have known
since she was a child. Her legs feel swoopy for ever step she takes. She miss them, they have been a part of her life, but they also a part of her past, she hate.
The many eyes looks back at her, they are surprise to see her here, but she keep on walking up throw middle way. She knew a shun person, would probably not be welcome here,
but she wanted to show up.
The ceremonial is finish. Tabita stands in the middle of the crowd out side the Chappell. The dead boys parents comes over to her and give her a hug, every one else ignore her.
Looks at her, like she is a unknown.
But Tabita don’t care, she don’t need there accept any more.
“I was proud of my self, I was able to look them into the eyes. Because I knew I had disappointed them, and they didn’t understand me.”
The funeral in Hobro, was last time, she saw her old congregation. It is now two years since what. She is now taking a education as a teacher. She have now move on with her
life, and have found a new friend circle, here is almost no one lift from back then, because they was Jehovah witness, and have turn her the back.
Tabita, have move to Copenhagen and live in a single room college-apartment. Here is no picture of her family on the white walls or any of her sisters, she still get sad, then she
see there faces.
“they was my best friends, and we have always been close together, and some how I feel like a half a person.”
Beside Tabita, all the person, have change names
The true writer of this story.
here is the movie part
I cried too...